Sunday, November 02, 2008

October has gone, and November has come.

The last week of October I named 'Halloween week". So instead of usual lessons, my students and I baked cookies and exchanged them saying "trick or treat". And the last day we baked pumpkin pie, but unfortunately some pies were burnt. (but we could eat inside.)
In autumn we can get many kinds of fresh fruits. Some people are worried about my situation saying "Do you eat enough?". Because they know I have me
als alone. So, they bring some saying "here you are, though only one". So, on my table, there is one big Japanese pear, that is called NIKKORI, and that is a special product in this area. They are twice as big as usual Ja
panese pear. There is some persimmons , there are 4 apples that grows in this area. There are some tangerines. And today some kiwi fruits were sent . They were wrapped in straw. They are still hard. So I have to let them sleep in straw nest for a while. The straw were also made (grown) by the friend.
This week end here and there some festivals are held. My husband and I went to a Jazz festival. Do you know Watanabe-Sadao who plays the saxophone. He was born in this city. And his brother also plays Jazz as a drummer. It was the first time to hear his play. And to be surprised he was over 70. His play doesn't look passionate, but the sound was really exciting and full of beats.

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