Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hot and Sweet

Today's breakfast is hot something using hot seasonings.
My friend who live in America sent me some seasonings with "lots" of English books. (Well, about books I'll write later when I finish reading and studying.-- I bet, probably, maybe -- I have to read them.)

These things really suit to pickled rakkyo. Also this year my friend made it, and sent it. I (it means my husband love), seldom eat rakkyo, but I love her pickled rakkyo.

It's hot and humid. So something hot and something sour give us power. Don't you think so?

Well, from this business trip, he bought these things to my students.
When he was invited to an American with a German. The German gave "nutella" to American kids. And the kids were really pleased.
Is"nutella" popular among kids?
And my husband saw it at a supermarket in America. --- I checked the label, it is made in CANADA. Why the German gave it as a souvenir???? It's none of my business. Anyway kids there were really pleased.
So he bought it for my students. I served it with crackers. --- Too SWEET!
"Sweet" is "AME---" in Japanese. (The correct word is AMAI, but slangy word is AME--".
So I said That's from "AME--rica". (kind of RAKUGO), students said "Stupid!"
And he found another thing, MARUCHAN-- cup noodle.
There are a few, so I served them to high school students.
"Oh, MARUCHAN flied to AMERICA!"
Well, Well, it's time to other junior high school students come.
I have to serve these crackers with a silly joke.


Tim Frost said...

MARUCHAN? ◯ちゃん? ⚬?

Anonymous said...

We don't express MARUCHAN with symbol mark. But it is right.
When we write ○ちゃん・・, it means someone but we want to clear the name.We never use ×chan.