Monday, November 23, 2009

Last One Week

Next Sunday Lea is going to move to the next house. The next mother has two girls who go to elementary school. For Lea it is the first experience to have sisters and for the family it is the first time to spend with a high school student.

Lea, she is really tall compared with usual Japanese girls. But good or bad she is one of usual high school girls. Every phrase she said recalled me of my daughters. Anyway she could survive under me ... What a great girl she is!
She is really natural, so it is easy to understand her feeling, especially when she eats something.
Her big smile when she loves the food makes me really happy, on the other hand when she doesn't like the food she has, she become quiet, and I say, "it can't be helped, it's OK to leave them,", or "Green vegetables are good for your health, don't leave them".

Her usual day is not so hard, but unfortunately I don't have enough time to take her somewhere, and I'm not interested in high school fashion. And she is really interested in girls fashion, but she has to save money to spend about 10 months in Japan. So she doesn't to dare to go window shopping. So she is always looking forward to OBENTOU and dinner.
(Can you hear me, Jan? Yuki and I always miss your dishes.)
She "can" eat rice, so we don't have any problems about food. And she is really interested in food. On the other hand our (Yuki and my) common hobby is eating.
So on Sundays or Saturdays we go out to eat interesting things, expensive things, inexpensive things from a Beef Bowl shop, a ramen shop to a Japanese French restaurant.(Other places are of course a KAITEN sushi shop, TONKATSU, a Italian restaurant, a Udon restaurant, OKONOMIYAKI restaurant, an organic vegetable resturant)
I seldom go to a Beef Bowl shop and a ramen shop, because I don't like them very much,
On the other hand Yuki seldom go to a French restaurant, because he always says "It takes so long to eat."
Thanks of Lea, we could go many kinds of restaurants and Japanese Fast Food Shops.

But unfortunately we don't take her a Chinese restaurant in Japan.
Because the last of December, we are going to go there with my daughters and my mother.
Sorry, Lea.

Now she is making a ad. From this December she start to organise French class in her high school. She seems to get used to her school life finally, and find what she can do here with her school mates.
I'm really glad.


Anonymous said...

It sounds as though it has been a good experience for all three of you! I hope one day you will be able to visit Lea in her home in France. Your home will seem quiet once she has moved out, but maybe that is something you look forward to again.

Anonymous said...

I don't know which is earlier her coming to Japan as a French teacher or our visitng to France.
Anyway we really enjoyed (are enjoying, still now) her staying.