Tuesday, November 23, 2010

a long-forgotten boy

The other day Yuki and I dropped by a convenience store. As soon as I got off the car, a young man in gold hair (of course he dyed his hair) with some big accessories called out me to wait, yes, he looks like an up-to-date young man (it means he doesn't seem like a businessman).

The young man "H******-san?"
Me "Who are you?"
The young man "I'm Mah-kun."
Me "Really, are you the Man-kun? Long time no see you, probably more than 15 years passed since we've met you. What do you do? Why you noticed us? How's your family?-------"
Suddenly my old memories came back in my mind with my curiosity.

He thought probably I would be Ms.H******-san, and my husband was the same of the Mr.H****** in his reminder.
----well, well, it means only I'm getting older???? Well I'll continue the main story.

Mah-kun had lived in our neighborhood until about 12 years ago. Since my daughters were born, he used to come to my house and to play or make fun with my daughters. His smile was really cute, so we couldn't dislike him even he sometimes did bad things--- yes he used to be an usual naughty child.
When he became a junior high school student, he began to become a delinquent (not real delinquent, it means he didn't dishonesty acts, looked like a delinquent but he used to be kind to our daughters.) Unfortunately his family was separated, and he moved to somewhere with his mother. Since then we didn't meet him. and of course his family.

But, he who was in front of us was a good young man. I said
"You became a nice adult, I'm really happy to see you."
Actually "we" (Yuki and I) were really happy to see Mah-kun, and We're really relieved to see him become a nice adult.
He was with his girl friend, the girl friend looked like a cute and smart lady. It made us also happy.

Now he was 27, --- we thought probably when we met him at the first we were in the same of him. We're getting order, and Mah-kun is grown-up.

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