Sunday, August 28, 2011

Toast master's meeting

Today I attended a Toast master's meeting. As I always tell you, when I attend this club I often feel I were in a wrong place. Because everybody except me is active working men and active working ladies (probably the ladies are single or have no kids even though I haven't asked.) So nobody mentioned about their kids. On the other hand I get used to talking about our family,our kids. (And these days I don't have current topics about my kids, so in another meaning I often feel I'm in a wrong place when I talk with active mothers.)
But attending this club makes my eyes wider, and inspired.

Today's table topics in English section were  that;
What is your most enjoyable memory in summer?
What is your most romantic memory in summer?
What is your toughest memory in summer?

Fortunately or unfortunately, this time I was not appointed. So now I'll think about these topics.

My most enjoyable memory in summer is --- Taiwanese trip in this summer. It was the first time for us to go abroad. And the tour was also the first time. I really realised that seeing actual things is really important. Just listening to a knowledge is completely different from seeing actual things.

My most romantic memory is ---, in retrospect probably I could say visiting HOKKAIDOU was my most romantic memory. I went there with four members including my husband ( at that time all of four were in university.) I keep the photos, the trip on the photo looked romantic. But  I don't have any romantic memories. When I visited HOKKAIDOU, it was after heavy rain. So the youth hostel I stayed was swamped, some roads were flooded. So the trip was really hard with lots of trouble.

My toughest memory in summer is ---  the summer when I was studying hard because I failed to enter  university that spring. (Fortunately I passed the next year.)

How about you?

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