Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I got this bag of KUROMAI. It looks like a little bigger black sesame, but it is a kind of rice (we can say glutinous rice. MOCHIGOME). We haven't eaten it. So I cooked it.

According to the instruction, We put two table spoons of KUROMAI into two cups of rice, and cooked.

Surprised! It got purple and sticky rice. Of course it's delicious.

I put it into today's daughter's lunchbox, and we ate for breakfast. And I made one riceball of it. Two cups of rice was gone.

I think we are into this KUROMAI for a while.


Desiree said...

It does look interesting... so, you like it, hey? Good to try new things... and find they are good. I like to try different foods.

Mieko said...

Desiree, how are you?
You seem to always try new things. I sometimes try. Compared with you probably I'm conservative, and I'm a little bit old-fashioned Japanese.

BUT this time we love it. These days I began to be more health-conscious.