Monday, April 27, 2009

This weekend

This weekend, it was "really" cold for me. So I was suffering from headaches almost for all two days. It can't be helped because I have a migraine.
So I took medicine, and relaxed at home.

My husband went to rental a DVD, that I really wanted to see.
The Japanese title is OKURIBITO, it won a prize at eh Cannes File Festival.
The English title is Departure

I think it has a Japanese way of looking at things, I'm not sure you (foreigners) accept the thinking way. But if you are interested in Japan a little, please try to see it.

While I was seeing this movie, I bit some strawberries that my friend grew, and ship coffee with added coffee liqueur.

Well, now, of course it's spring. I got two kinds of wild plants (SANSAI) that are KOGOMI and SHIRAKI. And I also got SHIMEJI mushrooms. Spring is the season for SANSAI. I made SANSAI spaghetti.
Next month, I talk about colors to kids.
What do you describe about the color of water? clear? colorless? transparent? white? aqua? light blue?




Anonymous said...

The color of water depends upon where it is at the time. In a glass, it is most likely transparent or colorless. In a lake, depending upon the could be shades of green or brown or even red (if there are certain trees that shed into it). It can be brown, if there is mud in it. It can be white, if it is very cold...or azure blue if it is in the tropics. Water accepts what is offered and added to it.

Anonymous said...

thanks for comments, yes water is like a mirror. "red" is the newst color for me about water.