Tuesday, December 22, 2009

book 4 in Christmas

Yesterday, a friend presented this book to me. Do you know Robert Sabuda? His pop-up books are really famous, I have some, but I didn't have this book. So I'm really happy. Robert Sabuda is introduced as a paper engineer. Actually his paper "technique" is wonderful.
At the night, one junior high school girl came to take the extra lesson. So I unwrapped this book with her.

When we opened the first page, --"c, candle."
The next page --"h, home".
Yes, this book has 9 pages with Christmas"
So I asked her?
What is the next picture???
R -- rain deer.
Yes, wonderful answer, but false.
I -- "difficult". so she said "ink". Why ink? I understand, because "ink " is a typical word that starts with i in my phonics lesson.
S -- sweet.
Yes, good answer, but false.
T -- tree.
I thought it was right, but false
M -- it is difficult for her, so she said a typical phonics word "monkey".
A -- America, she said --- no, no, this book is word-famous.
S --"sleepy" -- I understand her feeling.
If she had paid attention more on this book, it would have been easier to guess the last answer.
She often makes careless miss because of her lack of observations skills, so she came yesterday night. though it is same for me.
From today, each student go back with the apple pinata. Let's enjoyg this Christmas week!

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