Monday, January 04, 2010

Happy New Year!

One week has already past since I wrote the last blog in the "last year".
Yes, now it is2010. Happy New Year!
For these 10 days, I could spend quality time with my family.Having family is wonderful, on the other hand I really understand, my mother has her own life, and my mother-in-law has her own life, and each my daughter has started their own life.
So I have to face to my own life by myself, and rethink our (it means Yuki and I) life without kids positively. It is one of my new year's resolution. The key word is "positively".

Well, Well, this is diary for the 10 days.
I "discovered" wonderful spots in TOCHIGI. TOCHIGI is famous for hot spring, but this time I really understand. TOCHIGI's hot spring is as wonderful as other famous hot springs.
After the Christmas, my mother came to stay with us, and we went to a hot spring. Here I tried to "ASHI-YU" for the first time.
ASHI means legs and YU means hot water, or bath.
Not so bad, if you have trouble of chilblains, try to ASHI-YU.

Well, about the legs, my daughter and I look the "same" age, don't they?

On the New Year's Eve, my mother and my daughters went to back to TOKYO. On the other hand Yuki and I spent here while watching TV.
On the New Year, early morning we went to TOKYO by car. We cerebrate the New year with my mother-in-law, Yuki's brothers' family, and my daughters.
After that we went back to TOCHIGI by car with my daughters.
We went to another hot spring. When I thought "4 km more and I'll get there", suddenly the scenery had changed. "SNOW -road".
This year we didn't have snow tires. So the car was slipping, but Yuki drove well, and we got there. (Additionally, when we returned, the owner pulled our car.)
To be correctly, it is not hot spring, it is called mineral spring. The water is warm, so at the inn, they boil the mineral water. Compared usual hot spring, the big difference is not the temperature. According to the owner usually the water of hot springs is pumped out, but this mineral water is leaking up from the ground.

The dinner was pot dish of wild duck. (KAMO NABE)
And the served some curious kinds of mushrooms.
The white thing is JINENJYO, Japanese yum. It was really sticky, but really delicious. But unfortunately as soon as my younger daughter started to eat, she felt itchy. So though she love it, she couldn't eat.
The breakfast is a typical Japanese breakfast.
We had wonderful meals for ten days.
For ten days I was a daughter, a daughter-in-law, and a mother, but not a good "house wife".
It meas I had really wonderful winter vacation.
Well, today, from early morning I washed clothes, cleaned the rooms, --- I was a "good" housewife.
From tomorrow, my usuald day is going to start.
I hope you enjoy my blog, and I'm looking forward to getting comments from "you" in the world.


Tamara Marnell said...

Japanese "yum"? I know you meant "yam," but "yum" probably applies anyway :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tamara, yes you are right. Japanese "yam". We have some kinds of "yam", and it is called "JINENJYO". Happy New year!