Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Today's news paper

Today it's sunny. I'll go out before noon to meet a friend.This morning I read today's news paper with a forced smile.

Well, what page of the newspaper do you usually read the first?
And, what page of the newspaper are you interested in the most?

First I check the top page to know what happens currently.
It was about OZAWA-ICHIRO who was Former Democratic Party of Japan leader. Is be able to make a new group? Is he still remain in Democratic Party?

And I read the page of living. I like the advice column. Today a man who is in the fifty's posted his worry.
He envies his promoted colleague, and he hate himself who has such a feeling.
Though I've heard in English the word "envy" doesn't use so much, I tend to envy someone. I envy you why you are good at organizing your house. I envy you why you are good at cooking. I envy you why you can afford to travel abroad  --- and so on.

The adviser said that
"People tend to compare others who are in the same generation. Because people think they are on the same level. But to tell the truth, there is a big gap among people. We can't do what others can do. We can do what others can't do. In another saying ever one has different ability. And it's called "difference", or gap. If you want to be a person who don't envy anyone, you must learn your limitation, or you must know your worth. If you want to break your limitation, you should do self-reformation hard.
Which way do I go, trying to break my limitation, or to learn my limitation.

This is today's breakfast.


Anonymous said...

I haven't looked the meanings of envy and jealous up, but I was always taught that to envy someone is to not begrudge their "success" but wish you also had it. Jealousy is when you resent what the other person has (or is) and you would take it away from them for yourself. Example: I envy how well you play the piano and I wish I do the same. Jealousy is more mean-spirited...you are jealous of something a person has and would secretly be happy if they had the misfortune to lose it...or you deliberately tried to take it for yourself. Sometimes envy is a positive force for motivation to work harder. (I will practice and study more so I can play the piano as well as you.) Several years ago there was a woman figure skater that was so jealous of another competitor that she tried to injure her before a competition to take away her chances of success.
In some societies you are expected to accept your limitations (such as the old caste system in India...and China, the Middle East, etc). In more Western societies you are brought up with the idea that "the sky is the limit"...in other words, anything is possible if you have or create the opportunity. In my personal opinion; however, there comes a time when you need to find contentment with what you have and leave envy and jealousy behind. Jan

Mieko said...

Jan, thanks for your comments. You always teach me something, and encourage me. The word " begrudge" was the first word for me. I want to begrudge anybody, so I want to change my feeling to envy something or somebody to do something new, or something better.
And what difference are there between contentment and satisfaction? Actaully I always seek my inner satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

Begrudge: to feel resentment at the possession or enjoyment of something by another person. To regard with displeasure or disapproval. Example: Joe loves to play golf but his wife begrudges the time and money he spends on it.
Content and satisfaction:
Content: happy enough with what one has or is; not desiring something more or different. Satisfaction: something is good enough to fulfull the needs, wishes, expectations or desires.
Example: Some people are satisfied only by great wealth; others are content with a modest but secure income. Jan

Mieko said...

Jan thanks, but it's difficult. I'm learning the words more by myself.