Thursday, October 11, 2012

Halloween month has started

I call this month "Halloween month". We do some Halloween activities with my students in this month.
First, thanks to Jan, we got "the" traditional Halloween sweets which I've never seen in Japan until now.

The traditional corn candy is yellow, orange and white one. We (my students and I) call it healthy tooth. The one with brown top is called "a cavity". But the brown part is chocolate, so it's popular among us. The pumpkin shaped one is also popular among high school students, saying "cute".
Our Halloween month has started with tasting corn candy.
And we also carve Halloween pumpkin. I got some of them from a farmer, and two of them were grown by my adult students. Even in an adult class, adult students and I carved a Halloween pumpkin.

I didn't get enough pumpkins for each student.(Even if I got enough pumpkins, I couldn't have enough space to keep them.) So we decided to share them.

Well, well, have you ever tasted "biltong"? My friend who is from South Africa made it and brought it. It looks like beef jerkey, but it's more sour and less sweet. The main flavor is coriander. She explained how to make it. It sounds not so difficult. I'll try to make it.

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