Friday, November 27, 2015

This week

If you are American, you celebrate Thanks giving day.
Last weekend, we had three days-off in a row. It is Labor Thanks Giving day on November 23, though we don't do anything special, just it's a holiday.
HOWEVER, it was a three-day weekend. It means --
Yes, Akari came. To tell the truth, during the weekend she spend her another grandmother, and came here to spend me for "usual days".
So I tried to do usual things.
We decorate Christmas ornaments.

I took her to a nursery school, -- it was a day for my volunteering.
I read English picture books for kids of the nursery school,and Akari could join them.
And --- after "my" volunteering work, we dropped by a restaurant which accepts babies. (In Japan some restaurants (which are my favorite) don't accept babies, (it's a reason why they are my favorites).
This is "her " lunch.
First I was going to share it with Akari, but she ate up all except pickles.

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