Wednesday, May 31, 2017

anoter open garden at my freind's house

Since I updated my blog, about one week has passed, and tomorrow it is June.
Last week I visited my friends' house. She is my first friend when I came to Utsunomiya and started my mother's life , so we have been friends for 30 years.
Until seven or eight years abo ( I forgot ) she had worked. And she decided to chose early retirement. Since then she is into gardening. And now during this season her garden is selected one of garden sights by bus tour for garden lovers.
What I can say is "beautiful", and "pretty".
 Of course she says "thanks"
What I can say is just simple flower names like "it is clematis, isn't it? .
And she adds some explanation with bitter smile "yes, it is ******* clematis" (sorry I don't remember the formal name. And it is the reason why her garden is selected as a garden tour site.
She grows not usual or common flowers but also a little bit unusual varieties of flowers.  The word "unusual" might not be suitable, flowers they are difficult to grow.

I like seeing pretty and organized gardens. and I just respect her "hard" daily garden work, though she says it is her pleasure.
There, I found fennel. I know she doesn't use it to cook. So I got some.

 Of course I use them for cooking.


AikenJan said...

Was this the garden of a former neighbor you took me to see? She had a most unusual house for Japan! What a lovely garden, her talent and dedication is very evident. Jan

Mieko said...

Thanks for your comment, Jan. Yes you are right. Her garden has been improved. And as you know, though it is surrounded by houses, the garden attracts many garden "geeks". ---- I'm not sure the word geek is suitable or not. And for her it is pleasure, but for me --- maintaining her garden seems to be burden (or heavy task). So I'm really lucky to have such a friend. thanks to her I enjoy gardening.