Monday, September 11, 2017

discarding 10 things 0909

Anyway "suddenly" it got cold, though it sometimes hot.
Usually until middle of September, summer heat would linger, however this year it is completely different. So I had to change my clothes.

And, on the occasion I was going to discard 10 clothes, --- as you know I failed.
What I could discard are, some T-shirts, and a sock, the other of whose has gone somewhere.

Though I applied Konmari method to decide whether I should discard it or not, it means I put all clothes in my hands and check whether I feel something from them.
Most of them were necessary for me.

So I gave up organizing my drawers, and check another drawer of my computer desks.
From them, I took out these gadgets.

My task of discarding 10 things this week was finished.

However, Yuki found this electric outlet, and he put it in the drawer of his desk.
It's not my business.

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