This weekend, it was "really" cold for me. So I was suffering from headaches almost for all two days. It can't be helped because I have a migraine.
So I took medicine, and relaxed at home.
My husband went to rental a DVD, that I really wanted to see.
The Japanese title is OKURIBITO, it won a prize at eh Cannes File Festival.
The English title is DepartureI think it has a Japanese way of looking at things, I'm not sure you (foreigners) accept the thinking way. But if you are interested in Japan a little, please try to see it.
While I was seeing this movie, I bit some strawberries that my friend grew, and ship coffee with added coffee liqueur.
Well, now, of course it's spring. I got two kinds of wild plants (SANSAI) that are KOGOMI and SHIRAKI. And I also got SHIMEJI mushrooms. Spring is the season for SANSAI. I made SANSAI spaghetti.
Next month, I talk about colors to kids.
What do you describe about the color of water? clear? colorless? transparent? white? aqua? light blue?