In the afternoon we are going to a new Japanese cafe which a domestic Japanese confectionery company opened as they build a new factory.
I'm a Japanese housewife living in Japan. I'm in my 60's. I want to know daily lives in the world, so at first I'll tell my daily. What is your daily life?
In the afternoon we are going to a new Japanese cafe which a domestic Japanese confectionery company opened as they build a new factory.
I learned from them that there are many way to work without going to go cities.
Anyway I still struggle how to utilize my english book collection effectively. Some of them will be able to do it’s the to the library. The others are—-? I know the easiest way is to sell them at a used book shop.
For a while (at least this year), I continue to run my house library, and I give visitors the books which they are interested in actively. But usually they say “ there is no room for them, I would like just to borrow them”.
Today, it is a busy day for Yuki. He plays tennis in the morning, then he goes to a clinic. And he joins his band practice at night.
Being busy is all right. We should be careful of not being too busy.
There are various ways to work, and we accept such ways to work nowadays. (Well to tell the truth, in our case we accept and cheer our elder daughter’s work style but, we and “she” worried her future. Now she is in her late 30).
A lady who is our good friend, closed her homemade confectionery shop last year. She had enough customers to get by. But her physical power didn’t catch with the situation. More people are needed, but she couldn’t. She started to work at an office. Now she is 40 years old. Thinking about her future when she gets old, we worry her. But it is also important that we do what we want to do when we are able to do it.
The score of my cholesterol is still high, but it has not changed. So I continue my daily life without medicine. In April I will take arteriosclerosis check. If it doesn’t progress, it is all right.
Next week I will have a gastroscopy. I often think I will stop to take all medical check, including annual health check. It might be good to let nature run its course.
Facing the process of my mother and Yuki’s mother feels indescribable.
Anyway in the evening, we go to see the dentist.
Yesterday, we visited Yuki’s mother in Tokyo. Unfortunately an illness was found, though she doesn’t have severe symptoms. She might move to a hospital with palliative care.
Since she moved to current nursing home, her cognition ability has dropped quickly, though she is all right.
Anyway yesterday it was a busy day, but we could see her.
In 30 minutes I will go to a clinic to take cholesterol check and see the doctor.
Yesterday we started preparing final tax return. These days we do it as e-tax. As soon as I started a trouble happened. So first I called a public tax office, next, My Individual Card office, then we go to the city tax office.
As you know, here in Japan My Individual Card system was introduced. On the surface it works well, instead of paper work. But in many small parts, many trouble happened.
Anyway we are still able to keep with the time, but—- it must be very difficult when we get much older. At that time more new gadgets will appear.
A noisy week was finished. My pollen allergy has started. I need to take more medicine. The amount of my taking medicine is more than Yuki’s. It is strange.
Well, today we are going to a little bit far library. Probably we will have lunch outside, what do we eat, considering the budget now.
Additionally, today in the afternoon, we are going to a used shop to look for Yuki’s clothes.
We did “fukuwarail”. It is a game like pin the tale of donkey , and we used to do it on new year’s vacation.
In the afternoon a lady visited my home library. She lent some books.
Well, today I will spend at home lazily, but after Yuki comes back from tennis, we’ll go buying Japanese leek to a farmer’s house.
Additionally though it is still cold pollen season seems to have come.
Yesterday, it was our Costco Day.
Anyway we ‘ll enjoy our Costco day. We are asked to buy some things from our friends including Karaku owners.
Yesterday, I was organizing my books while Zoom meeting o my PC was open, though i didn’t know if someone would join it. Luckily a person joined it. So we really enjoyed talking about English picture books. It had a good afternoon.
Today it is a holiday. It is “Coming of Age Day.”
We were going to visit Yuki’s mother in Tokyo. But unfortunately in the nursing home some residents are suffering from flu. So we canceled to visit there. (They won’t accept visitors from outside as much as possible.)
It is Saturday. A festival is hold downtown. We are going to go there in the afternoon as “walking exercise”.
Yesterday he could take immunotherapy at hospital.
But unfortunately the number of cyfra, and SCC ( tumor marker) is a little bit up. It can’t be helped because his cancer reappeared. We hope this immunotherapy will work.
Anyway we can spend usual days. In the morning he goes playing tennis, so, I am also going to go to the gym.
Yesterday I bought some displaying boxes on the net. I decided to take out my English picture books in the bookshelves on the second floor, and display the. In my house library in the first floor. I could make big space in the closet in the room being used as house library.
I was going to use cardboard boxes I can get for free from supermarkets. But as you know they don’t look good. So I “bought “ better ones.
Anyway I try to focus on “now”.
Yesterday I could hold my zoom meeting. Luckily a new lady joined us. We had a good time. I have lots of English picture books. I am going to donate them to the library. But most books are not hard books. Usually they don’t accept paper books, but fortunately they are interested in my collection. I am organizing them, and making list with explanation about for who are interested in, and for how to read to kids. I have being doing my house library activity a bit but steadily. I want to go to the next stage. But I don’t know what is the next stage.
Yesterday I talked about snowmen. American or Western snowmen consist with three snow balls, don’t they? :head, body, and leg. Japanese ones consist with two snow balls, like head and body. Why? My answer is sarcastic to ourselves, so I don’t write it here.
Yesterday it was the first time for Yuki to play tennis. His pedometer showed 6500 steps. He plays tennis with his pedometer. I went to the gym. My pedometer showed 3200steps. I don’t exercise with my pedometer.
Though today it is cloudy, it is not so colder than yesterday. Yuki is going to play tennis, depended on the situation of the tennis coat.
I think I will go to the gym, after I call to my friend. If the chatting takes long, I will give up going to the gym.
My resolution of this year is “doing more exercise “. This year has just started.
Good morning. New year’s holiday is finished. It is a regular Monday.
Yesterday we “climbed “ the small mountain to visit a shrine from the parking lot in the half way up the mountain. (It is mostly on the top of the mountain. Some people were climbing the mountain from the base of the mountain. )
In the morning we do some paperwork. In the afternoon we go to a clinic. Yuki has no tennis meeting on Mondays.
When Yuki was a businessman, we didn’t do such paperwork. Now we are able to some kinds of deduction thankfully. But we need some procedures. In my mother’s case, my two brothers did them. In my mother in law’s case, Yuki’s elder brother does them.( though it causes some troubles.)
We often hear the words like paperless, cashless, simple procedure, etc.
But anyway as of now we need lots of paperwork, and need to go to public office, though we know it became easier than 10 years ago.
Good morning. It is the first usual Sunday, though for many people it is the last day of new year’s holidays. Unfortunately Yuki’s tennis is canceled because of lack of members.
We might go visiting a shrine in a small mountain. It is sunny, but it is cold. Yesterday we were going to go there. But we didn’t, because of the snow. Once we didn’t , it is difficult to determine to go out to a cold place.
Yesterday, I got two calls from friends who live another prefectures. It was the first time to talk one of them in year. It means once a year we talk. Long chatting, long chatting. I was really busy and satisfied in yesterday’s afternoon.
Yuki was also busy. Because one of his electric gadgets (I don’t know what it is) didn’t work well. He wrestled against the problem. And—— the gadget in his gadget box. He says it is for when something happens. I think it is just a junk box.
Additionally I keep a clothes box for when something happens. He says it is just a clothes junk box. (Probably he is right. The clothes in a box has probably no chance to be put on. So I sometimes organize them and discard some. And when I organize my clothes , once I put clothes probably I won’t put on onto the box.)
Yesterday a lady who lives nearby visited us, and we talked a lot.
I also finished drawing picture cards of this month, next week I will go to a public community center and hand them in. The cards are sent to the elderly who live alone in this community.
Today we are going to a shrine in a small mountain, but now we are thinking. Yuki’s car wears winter tires. So roads are all right. But the walking pathway to the main shrine might not be in a good condition.
Today it will be a cheerful day.