Friday, February 28, 2025

Good morning 0228


by Yuki
Yesterday, suddenly our younger daughter came. Yuki went playing tennis in the morning. I picked her up to the station and had branch. After Yuki went back three of us talked for a while. Then we saw her off and Yuki went to the hospital to take the first radiation treatment. 
In the afternoon I participated in another online meeting. 

It is the last weekday. This week we were busy.
Today I will go to a nearby supermarket to get some big cardboard boxes which I put my English books in 
by category. Little by little the process of donating them to the library is going on.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Good morning 0227 what adventures would you like go on in the future?

Yesterday I joined an online meeting. The members were all Japnaese, and they except me spoke English very fluently. I constatntly write this blog, but because of my lack of sutdying or of my age my speaking abilibyt gets worse.

Anyways, the topics were interesting.

◆What adventures would you like to go on in the future?

As of now, every day is kind of adventure. I didn't talk about my current situation. However, getting age brings us unexpected things. The word of "adventure" sounds positive. I'd like to accept unexpected things calmly with courage, to do what we are able to do on the day and to enjoy every day as kind of adventure.

What do you think of it?

And there is such a topic.

◆Do you ever have online adventures?

For me doing something online is always "an adventure". To tell the truth to attend yesterday's meeting, it was a little bit difficult. because it was the first time to join the meeting using ????? way. (not zoom, not skype, not team. not facebook chat meeting)

I had a good time yesterday to talk with ladies who are in the different generation.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Good morning 0226


by Yuki
Yuki’s radiation treatment will start from this Friday.

I am trying to do spend  my days as usual like him. So today I will go to the gym in the morning. In the afternoon I will participate in an online meeting. 

Additionally I should cook. Every Friday a farmer delivers his fresh vegetables. This week some vegetables are still left. I hear for some people cooking is the best thing to concentrate or relax themselves without thinking anything. I am afraid not. I tend to escape cooking.

However I won’t waste the vegetables, so I will cook. I am positive stingy!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Good morning 0225


by Yuki 

Yesterday it was a good day. We enjoyed winter scenery and wonderful lunch. We go to see the doctor to talk about Yuki’s radiation treatment. His treatment has moved to the next step.
However we spend days as usual. Tonight he is going to participate his band practice. 
Additionally today we see three doctors, radiology,  respiratory medicine, and dermatology. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

lunch diary 0222


by Mieko

by Yuki

A new week has started. It is a holiday in Japan. Yesterday we suddenly decided to go to a good restaurant having lunch in Nikko. Nikko is a famous tourist spot. But it is winter, so it is not so crowded  than usual even on holiday. Yuki’s car wears winter tires.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Good morning 0223

By Yuki
Though it is a very cold morning, it is a usual weekend. In the morning both of us stay home without gardening work. In the afternoon Yuki will go playing tennis, I will go to a nearby temple to do “Syakyou “ (copying sutra). 
Tomorrow Yukik’s mother moves to another nursing home. Though someone problems seem to happen (Yuki’s younger brother said), unfortunately up it was out of our business. We try not to care. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Good morning 0222


Yesterday it was a long day. The way of Yuki’s treatment will be changed. He couldn’t take immunotherapy yesterday. The tumor of his neck got bigger, and the growing speed is faster than the doctor expected. 

Next week he will take radiation therapy in a row for a while and in the middle of March he will be hospitalized again to take regular chemotherapy.  He took cancer multiple times- gene panel testing, but it is negative.

Anyway, before he will be hospitalized, he is going to participate in a live concert.  And he doesn’t cancel weekend tennis meetings.  He is really optimistic, or present to be optimistic, on the other hand I am too pessimistic. 

Anyway today he goes playing tennis as usual Saturday.

I do 10 things discarding, and organize my English book collection. We will spend usual weekend.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Good morning 0221


Today it is the day to the hospital. To tell the truth “I “ am more unstable than Yuki. Anyway in an hour we will leave home. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Good morning 0220


by Yuki

Today it is our Costco day. ( it is the day I take CBT at clinic.). It is February, so we can use Costco points. This year Yuki bought a new computer at Costco. So we could get lots of points. Additionally Yuki had a plan to buy it, so we became executive members. This year we have no plan to buy expensive things. So we are going to downgrade to regular members. Yesterday I went to the gym in the afternoon, and I left my portable thermos bottle. I “ should “ go there again. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Good morning 0219


by Yuki 

In an hour “I” will go out. I go out earlier than Yuki. Today I have breakfast  outside with my friend. So Yuki and I are having coffee and cookie now. I sometimes talk with her I front of each house, but probably it  is the first time in three  or four years to go out together. Additionally she brings her arranged flower pot every season. I sometimes take her karaku sweets. 

She is the first friend when I quite a big office and started mother’s life. The interesting thing is that she is not a mother mate. Coincidently she and I are the same age. When we met each other she took one year child leave. Her kid was a baby boy. My kids were already two years old, and four years old. I have other mother mates and kindergarten mother mates. However we were get along well. One year later she started working again. Even now she works part time. Anyway we have known each other for about 35years. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Good morning 0218


By Yuki

Today we are able to spend usual routine . Yuki goes playing tennis in the morning. I am ——, not going to the gym.  Though I often write “I am organizing my English collection book”. Last Sunday, I did too much, and the room all messed up. I have to manage it. I am also making list of each items, like color, number, counting, event, etc. I hope the list will help the stuff of the library to make my collection effective. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Good morning 0217


By Yuki
This week, we are busier than usual. I hope I will do them all. We don’t need to do all of them, but we want to do. For example at a department store a big Hokkaido food fair is held. 

Today we go to the district legal affairs bureaus, and visit our lawyer.

Our morning topic is “what we eat lunch outside?”.

Probably this week we have lunch outside more than usual, thinking our budget. 

Do you know “daikon mochi?” Yesterday I cooked it.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Lunch diary 0215


By Mieko

By Yuki

Yesterday, I made carrot jam. I got lots of organic carrots. A young friend came so, we shared it. She likes organic food.  And I also happy to see her smile. 

I put backValentin’s Day goods and decorate HINA festival goods.

Additionally, yesterday I walked to my friend’s beauty salon. It was kid of my walking exercise. Today it is Sunday. The gym is closed. Yuki goes playing tennis. Do I walk? It seems not so cold. I am thinking now.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Good morning 0215

by Yuki

 It is Saturday. Yesterday’s laughter yoga meeting  party was a lot of fun. For women there is nothing like chatting with sweets and tea. 

Today I will get  hair cut at my friend’s beauty salon. 

For these days I don’t go to the gym in the morning. Actually I often have something to do in the morning, including going to the hospital. So I have been feeling a distance between gym mates in the morning and me. It can’t be helped. Actually since Yuki’s illness was found, sometimes I have avoided talking with them intentionally. I don’t talk about his illness. Coincidentally one of them has known the situation. I know I made a kind of wall around me by myself. 

Next week we should go to see Yuki’s doctor. It is really fast to pass three weeks.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Good morning 0214


By Yuki

Happy Valentine Day! 

Today I hold  Valentine version of my laughter yoga meeting. What is it? It is just a tea party. 

Last night I baked chocolate cake.

And “probably” my members take some sweets. So Yuki will also get Valentine’s sweet. Today after having lunch at home, we go to a clinic as usual. On the way home we might drop by a cake shop. 

Anyway we  pull enjoy  these weekdays. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Good morning 0213


By Yuki

Good morning. Today we spend usual morning, I “should” go to the gym, Yuki goes playing tennis, in the morning. In the afternoon I have a Zoom meeting. 

Have you already prepared something for your Valentine? I haven’t. However tomorrow I am going to hold a laughter yoga meeting. On the day I will serve chocolate cake. Tomorrow meeting is going to be changed to laughter yoga cafe. Tonight I will bake the cake for them. And the leftover will be for us. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Good morning 0212


By Yuki

According to the weather report the cold was supposed  to ease up. It is a very  cold morning again. Today I hold a zoom meeting of my English picture book reading. At least one lady is going to join it. I constantly organize my English collection, and I am prepare give donate smogs of them to the library. When I am doing it , sometimes I am into reading them again. It is a good way to study English. 

In the afternoon I will go to the gym to do one lap exercise. Yuki has to get a CT, though it is a regular routine of every three months.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Good morning 0211 (celebrating 600 pieces of Yuki’s original music)


by Yuki

He has composed 600 pieces  of music!

Today it is the day of Karaku for me. How many times do I perform there? Since I was in my late 30’s I have performed once a month. 


Monday, February 10, 2025

Good morning 0210


by Mieko

By Yuki
A new week has started. Today our daughters are going to visit Yuki’s mother. And we will join them on net. Our elder daughter  is going to take her PC. When we visited her last time, we tried to talk with  them together by phone. But the screen is too small for Yuki’s mother to see them. But it depends on her condition, and the situation of nursing home. We don’t know how long they will be able to talk together. 

Very cold days continued, though luckily it is snow. Staying home sometimes makes me depressed more. Going out frequently makes me tired. What a selfish woman I am!

Yesterday while Yuki went playing tennis in the cold weather, I completed my drawing picture card of this month.

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Good morning 0209


by Yuki
It was a cold day, yesterday. And it seems to be cold today again. Yesterday when I got on a wooden stepping stool, it suddenly broken. Not because of my weight, because its deterioration.

So suddenly Yuki’s mission occurred. He went to a DIY store and repaired the stool. 

Than we expected, yesterday it was a busy?or fulfilled day.
In the evening a friend came with a box of strawberries. Her mother and her brother’s family grow  strawberries. She picked some there and share some with me. 
These days strawberries are really expensive. Here in Tochigi, strawberries are the most famous products, but we seldom buy them for ourselves because they are expensive. We weee really happy. And I also shared ours with my next door neighbor.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Good morning 0208


by Yuki

Last night we had a little snow, but it didn’t accumulate. Probably in the northern part of Tochigi, they have lots of snow. Anyway thankfully two of us are able to spend a calm weekend, Yuki is going to play tennis as usual. Yuki’s weekend tennis mates are different with his weekday tennis mates. The weekend tennis mates are younger than the weekday members. Among the weekday tennis mates he is the second or third youngest. On the other hand among the weekend tennis mates he is the second or third oldest.

Well before Yuki goes playing tennis, he has to vacuum the rooms on the second floor. It is his role of every week.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Good morning 0207


It is the last weekday of this week. We did all errands. Today I will go to the gym in the morning. Yuki goes playing tennis. 

Yesterday we talked with an end-of-life counselor about our funerals, inheritance, and so on. When my mother passed away, my younger brother was very confused. He hadn’t prepared for anything.  So we decided lots of things on the spot. It was a very tough job. 

To tell the truth we have already known the counselor, so our conversation was  friendly, and calm. 

Fortunately we don’t have snow here. We are supposed to spend lazy weekend “as usual”.

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Good morning 0206


By Yuki

Today our schedule is  not so tight. We are going to a casual restaurant for lunch. Then we are going to see a counselor about our senior life , such counselors are called end of life planning counselors. Of corse it is a private certification. To tell the truth recently I have got its certification.

Yesterday another neighbor came. She talked about the vice president of our town community. For a while we in our small community feel anxious? nervous? Or uncomfortable. 

The interesting is that: some family live with their sons or daughters who are shingle. I think it is better for younger ones to accept the role. But their parents or their mothers (who are mainly organize their family) never ask them saying “they are busy”. 

But when we were young, everyone was busy in working, but we did the role in turn. 

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Good morning 0205


By Yuki
Yesterday a sad thing happened in this neighborhood. A lady who is in her 70’s collapsed from a stroke. She is in hospital.  In her case, her two daughters live nearby. So someone always cares her including her husband. Her husband was also hospitalized last year because of his hip joint surgery. He can walk now without pain. 
Now he is our community leader, who changes once a year in turn. And our community consists of 14 houses. Our community belongs to a bigger town community. The two community consists of 15 small communities. This year from our small community someone is in charge of a vice president of our town community. 
We thought it was the best “the” man would become the vice president. But now he is busy I taking care of “her” who collapsed from a stroke. 
Well, well, for a while our small community must buzz.
Additionally , he came to my house for Yuki to ask taking a charge of the vice president. Yuki was absent because of going to the clinic. I finally frankly told him Yuki’s situation. He was really surprised and seemed to give up. 

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Good morning 0204


By Yuki

Good morning. Yesterday it was fun. The errands of three of us were finished about 2 pm. She was going to leave here before dark and colder. But when we had a tea at home, we video called to our younger daughter. The chat went on and on. Well, at soon as our chat started, Yuki  went  back to his room. When our elder daughter left here, it was dark. Three of us bought our supper at the station. She brought it back to Tokyo.

Monday, February 03, 2025

Lunch diary 0201

by Mieko

by Yuki

Now our elder daughter is on her way to our house. This time she comes by train. We are going to a shine, and do some errands.

What shall we eat out for our lunch? ( I have no plan to serve homemade dishes).

It stopped snowing in the afternoon yesterday. So toads are just wet. But the stairs of shire might be frozen.  “I” should watch out my steps.


Sunday, February 02, 2025

Good morning 0202


By Yuki

It is snowing. It might accumulate. Yuki has a plan to go out in the afternoon, but he is wondering.

I spend today calmly and lazy reading books , watching TV, etc.

Yesterday I talked with a friend about “ elegance”. She is 8 years  younger than me, but we seem to get along well. We were of the same opinion about what we are lacking. It is “elegance”. Of course it is connected with richness. But it is another problem

We talked why we don’t look like elegant.

We are walking faster, eating faster, and speaking faster than usual ladies who are in the same generation.  We look moving restlessly. And we are not detail oriented. We are laughing . Additionally both of us seek “elegant”.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Good morning 0201


By Yuki at his favorite curry shop

February has started. 
Yesterday Yuki could take immunotherapy. His new tumor doesn’t grow bigger or smaller. The size is kept. In two weeks, he is going to get a CT , this is regular check every three months.
I feel the day which we go to the hospital long. 
It is a weekend. In the morning a friend comes.