Friday, June 20, 2008

Homemade ----

This week I got some vegetables my friends grow; nice rhubarb, cucumbers, and strawberry jam.

As I told you, I have liked rubarbs since last year. And now my husband also like rhubarbs. It is an unusual thing that he's intereseted in "vegetables". What makes him intereseted was "rhubarb pie". He likes the sour taste.

And the cucumbers; I pickled them with SHOUCYU(kind of SAKE) , sugar, and salt. (I don't use vinegar).

And the strawberry jam; this morning I baked pastry with the jam and rubarbs. Some of them were our breakfast, and the others are going to served for today's adult students.


Helen said...

Mieko-san, what is the Japanese word for rhubarb? I love rhubarb, but my husband has never heard of it!

One of my favourite ways to eat rhubarb is to make a rhubarb crumble. You have to use a lot of sugar though because rhubarb is very sour.

When I was a little girl we grew it in our garden and I used to pick the stems and eat them straight from the garden. My mother drilled it into me that I must not eat the leaves because they were poisonous, but I have pictures of me eating rhubarb in the garden!

Anonymous said...

"Rhubarb" is not so famous in Japan, though people who loves herbs know it very well.
And it's not Japanese plant so we call "rubabu"(romaji desu) in Japanese, we hear it the same sound.

Yes, I know "don't eat the leaves".
But I always think "MOTTAINAI". so, I put the leave in a low vase.

Helen said...

Thanks for the information. My husband still doesn't know what it is.

I found some recipes and ideas for rhubarb on the New York Times Website. I thought you might be interested. Rhubarb recipes