Tuesday, September 23, 2008

table topic -2- my memorial thing in autumn about spots

A member talked about SYOUSENKYO, where it was the first place to visit with her husband (she married this spring.)
Well, for me where's the memorial spot in autumn?
Probably it is NIKKO. As I wrote, NIKKO is the famous place for the beautiful colorful leaves. There is a famous steep hill, it is called "IROHA-ZAKA".

There are two hills, one is up-hill, and the other is down-hill. All up there is 46 or so corners that are named after the Japanese characters of the language ; I, Ro, Ha, Ni--(46 hiragana) - kind of ABC(26 letters). Now we use A,I, U, E, O (36 hiragana?)-- but until MEIJI area we used I, Ro, Ha,---.)

IROHA-ZAKA is the first place I went to drive by myself. I got my driver license when I was in the college. Autumn is the best season to drive, and NIKKO is the enough distance to drive from TOKYO. So I drove there and next to me my husband was sitting holding a hand side brake.

Now we are alive, so we got home safely. Since then more than 20 years passed. At that time we couldn't image we would live in TOCHIGI, and driving car is necessary to our life. (In Tokyo driving car is not a necessary thing.) I commuted to the company by car, I pick up my daughters by car. Fortunately I have a gold license even though I'm short-tempered.

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