Friday, February 20, 2009

spring? winter? back and forth

This Monday it was warm. I found some buds of tulips in the garden.
And this early morning I woke up because of chilliness.
It was snowing. Now it's not snowing, but --it's really cold.
My nose is congested because of cold and "pollen".
Outside the season goes back and forth between winter and spring while inside my nose symptom also goes back and forth between winter's case and sprig's case.

Valentine's week has gone. Now the next event is "Easter". Oops. Don't forget Hina festival. It is March 3rd. It is a festival for girls. I put small Hina dolls on the shelf of the entrance hall. I (or We including my daughters) have big Hina dolls set, but now there are two people in the house, my husband and I. It's troublesome to decorate them. Sometimes it is enough to do in the easy way. Most of kindergarten' children enjoy doing craft of Hina dolls. Can you see the small one on the wall? I was given it from a student's mother.

And of course "Easter" is one of big events in my class. I put some Easter eggs made last year.

Easter's symbols are lots, I know. Eggs are one of them. And from eggs, we can make mayonnaise. So I always put the Kewpie (mayonnaise) Doll on the shelf with eggs. It is always gaining popularity among people (including adults) coming to my house

1 comment:

emiramieko said...

hina dolls? wat is that?
is it a tradisional dolls?