Friday, February 13, 2009

Sports -3- Sports croarch

Have you been coached by a friend or acquaintance in a sport? Was it positive experience?

The answer is "yes". And I still have been coached in a sport.
Well, usually the coach is my husband, he used to be in the same college.

He coached me tennis, skating, and skiing. Were they positive experiences? Probably yes. After his coaching, I joined a tennis club with him, and went skating, and went skiing with friends. I did it thanks of him. And I wanted to do better. So I started to take lessons of tennis, skiing. I was able to start in the middle level class. BUT that was the end. To improve to the upper class was really difficult on the point of skill and my power. And I don't like sports very much.

Now I was coached by him in golf. I manage to hit a ball with club. How difficult it is! It seems to be hard for me to play golf with my friends in America.

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