Sunday, July 11, 2010

These are called "baby tomatoes".

Today, it's not hot, but humid, and cloudy. Sometimes it drizzles down. Yes, it is still in the rainy season. Though today it is Sunday, but I can't air out the FUTON. And "unfortunately" I skipped wedding because of drizzling.

Well, have you ever heard or seen "baby tomatoes"?

Cherry tomatoes that we call "puchi tomatoes" are common. (Puchi means petit in Franch/) And they "were " really popular for kids to be an easy cultivable vegetable. At many kindergartens or nursery schools (in this area) kids "were" growing them.

Why I wrote the sentences in the past tense is that, actually a few years ago, at a nursery school a sad accident happened. A kid swallowed a puchi tomato by mistaken, and stack it into her throat. And unfortunately she ---/

Since then cultivating puchi tomatoes is avoided in public kindergartens and nursery schools (in this area).(I heard it from my friend.)

And instead of them this new "baby tomatoes" appeared.

If kids swallow baby tomatoes, the smaller tomatoes seem to go through into their throat.

And for me, it is trouble some to chew them. To eat these tomatoes, it is easier to swallow them.

And --- chewing forth is getting lower.

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