Friday, September 17, 2010

Halloween is next month, but our pumpkins cannot wait.

As I told you, Halloween month has started at my English school. I put the pumpkins outside. (This time I got 8 pumpkins.) The farmer said "If you don't peel them, they can keep their freshness inside for a while". How long is the meaning of "for a while"??? Even in September, it
is still hot (for these two days, it is cool or cold to me,) and my students asked "Are they OK?"
So we started to carve them.


In each class, the students I did. For the students carving a pumpkin is the activity they try once a year. For me ---- I started to feel "enough", but today --- I have three class for carving pumpkins.
This morning I washed the entrance hall, but still "pumpkin-shy".


Tarrah08 said...

The pumpkins look WONDERFUL!!

Mieko said...

Kids enjoyed carving, and they said their parents enjoyed decorating it in their house. I'm happy to hear that.