Wednesday, December 08, 2010

home remedy

This Tuesday my adult student and I talked about home remedy. In the text book some ways of home remedy were introduced like that chicken soup for a cold, mint tea for nausea, grinding some Valerian root for insomnia, and honey-and-lemon tea for a sore throat. Have you tried some of them or other ways?

Now I just came home from the meeting, today's meeting was a kind of my job. The teachers of our branch English classrooms have to attend the meeting. It was a long meeting. But to keep my physical strengthen, I canceled all today's lesson, so this night I will have nothing to do without playing with PC. (Or, Yuki might come back earlier than usual, because he went out of town by car.)

Anyway I'm relaxing now with sweet SAKE KASU(sake lees)-soup. SAKE KASU-soup (I think) works for a cold, and it makes our body warm.
SAKE-lees, ginger powder, and brown sugar syrup


Tarrah08 said...

I have indeed tried and given to my kids warm tea with honey and lemon for sore throats, they like to eat chicken soup when they have a cold. I will have to try mint tea for nausea as i usually drink ginger-ale for an upset stomach but not all of my children like it. Do you ever drink ginger-ale? I find I associate it with being sick as it is something I have done since childhood, although, it isn't a drink specifically for that purpose. ;)

Mieko said...

Yes, ginger-ale is really popular here. I seledom drink alcohol, so when someone orders alcohol at restaurants or somewhere I order ginger-ale.