Monday, December 20, 2010

apple ginger jam and another.

Did I tell you that my favorite way against the cold winter is taking ginger. Usually I use ginger as seasoning, this season I take ginger with sweets and tea.

So I have domestic ginger powder (it means not imported from China), ginger &brown sugar syrup, and of course fresh ginger.

And this time I got apple & ginger "jam". If you were here, you could taste it --- what a shame" You can taste ginger fiber texture so that you hear the sound "Shari, Shari (American sound is probably crunch, crunch)" when you have it.

And another one is milk & sweet beans jam. It's not paste, it's jam.
They recommend to have it with rice cakes (MOCHI), MOCHI is a typical winter food in Japan, and it is necessary for the fast of New Year's Day. Now I'm thinking New Year's Eve and New Year's Day beyond Christmas this week.

Tomorrow I have the last meeting I have to attend this year. Now my "busy" winter vacation is just around the corner.


Tarrah08 said...

Happy Holidays Mieko! I have finished the "busiest" portion of the Holidays! {sigh of relief} :)
The New Year is right around the corner and isn't too busy for me as I tend to stay home with the kids and typically some friends and family members with kids tend to stop by and celebrate at the midnight hour and start of the New Year with some fireworks for the kids. But other friends without children or some with will go to celebrate at "grown-up" party's as well. How have the Holidays been for you so far? I know it is your "busiest" time of the Holidays right around the corner. Hopefully not too busy for you, and you get to relax and have a great time with family! :)

Mieko said...

OTSUKARESAMA Tarrah, we always say the phrase of OTSUKARESAMA to each other when we finish Its literal meaning is "you must be tired (so take care of yourself)", but it includes,"good job", "well done".

Today we(Yuki and I) finished winter cleaning. Tomorrow we are going to TOKYO to meet my mother and our daughters.