Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year's day is just around the corner.

Since today our winter vacation has started. This morning Yuki cleaned all windows , scrub bath tab, and change the normal tires into winter tires. Of course I supported him --- to prepare the stuff , and tidy up the stuff after cleaning. Anyway we've done winter cleaning of this year.

I put winter flower in a vase -- too simple and easy.

Tomorrow we are going to TOKYO and to take a bus tour with my mother, my daughters and us. The title of the tour is old Tokyo and recent TOKYO. My mother doesn't know these days sightseeing spot well, on the other hand my daughters don't know old Tokyo sightseeing spot. And Yuki and I are now TOCHIGI-people, so we are not familiar in TOKYO. (We are living there for more than half of our life, the other day I noticed that, and it made me very very surprised.) And on the day we are going to come back here with my mother and our younger daughter and spend New Year's eve here. On New Year's day we go to TOKYO by car again. We visit Yuki's mother and his brothers' family. And on the day we will come back here with our elder daughter. She will go back to TOKYO on 3rd. On the same time our winter vacation will be almost finished.

This week we opened a bottle of alcohol. It is RAKI, turkey alcohol. Do you know it? It is made from grapes, but it is definitely different with wine. It is clear, and being added some water, it charged into white. The smell is --- though it is my opinion, Chinese herbal medicine, and taste is --- really really strong, like vodka. Don't ask me why I explain the taste --- though I "can't" alcohol.(I can sip)

Anyway I'm looking forward to getting a noisy New Year's eve with my family.

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