Thursday, March 10, 2011

Corelle plates

Finlay I got this series of Corelle plates.
Though someone remember of the series of plates. I had been looking for them, since I? or someone in my family broke two plates of this series.
About 15 years before I bought 5 plates of this series. Every plate has a different vegetable picture on it. Probably Corelle is really familiar in America, and my image of Corelle is white table wares. But this vegetable series is ivory. They are not too cute, not traditional. I like them. Unfortunately two plates were broken, though I don't know when. At that time this series already went out of print?? (They are not books, so this series went already out of production. -- is it correct?)
Just a few days ago there are three plates of this series in my house. It's OK, because there are only two members in my house, I could think two plates was independent while my daughters left home.
BUT--- I'd wanted them. And I found them at auction.
The cost is lower than the cost at that time. And now there are in front of me. I'm really satisfied with it. Internet is really useful.
And Internet is--- too easy to click. I bought another kind of Corelle plates.
Shopping is fun, and I know I like pottery.

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