Thursday, June 09, 2011

Wednesday's topic

Today 's refreshment was "PECO-chan" roll cake. PECO-chan is a character of a famous cake shop "FUJIYA". Though young kids don't know the character, in our generation every one knows.
So my adult students seemed to be very surprised at it, and be happy.

Today's title of the text book is "high school memories".
1.Have you kept in touch with any of your high school teachers?
2.What are the three most important qualities in a teacher?

We hold a reunion once a year. Unfortunately I don't participate constantly because it is held in TOKYO. And my third year homeroom teacher always join in, though she is now over 80.
She was strict and at that time she seemed to be a little bit temperamental. But when I think about it now, she was not temperamental, "we" students were temperamental because of the period of adolescence. Now she is a playful elderly woman though she likes to preach us even now.

To be a "good" teacher, probably they need to be impatient, to be fair, and to be goal-oriented. Our life is indecisive, so, we don't set a goal. But we need to a small or big goal to proceed to somewhere. So showing such a goal to students are necessary as a teacher.

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