Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Thanks for your comments

I'm really happy to get analytic comments on my previous report.
Watching the news in Japan, this typhoon left lots of damage especially KI peninsula. One of my friends who live in Wakayama, is suffering water outage now,though her house itself has no damage. The roads in her town was flooded.
Every day newspaper reports the level of radiation, and how evacuated people from FUKUSHIMA are struggling to manage their life.
Listening to CNN student news or watching ABC news, they reported that one of four children in America got food from food stamps system and feel hungry, and they had zero job growth in August.
What I can do is just expressing my regret at them.
About me, these days I tend to decrease my intention.
But getting such comments from people in various countries always encourage me.

These days I had an opportunity to think about whether atomic power is an necessary evil or not. "Necessary evil", this word is really difficult to deal with. What example can you show about necessary evils? Probably one of them is experiments on living animals like mice.

It's true that we don't know what will happen in one minute. Or there is such a saying "In life, the future lies in the dark.". Both of meanings are same. But I don't like to use the word "dark".
Anyway today I paid the "last" college expense of my daughter through the bank. Now our financial support is almost finished. I hope my daughters and the youth will be able to keep having a desire to improve their life. And I hope our senior life will full of joy.


Anonymous said...

Theorists would suggest that "natural selection" is a necessary evil...referring to over-population. The selection comes through natural disasters such as drought which causes famine or monster storms that wipe out highly populated areas. It applies to herds of animals that, unchecked, become too large to sustain themselves or to Third World populations that reproduce at an unsustainable rate. Always a sad and helpless thing to witness but seems to be in the cycle of life on this planet. What about wars...are they a necessary evil?

Mieko said...

Thanks for your comments, Jan
Where the idea of "necessary evils" came? From Christian spirit?
I don't want to consider wars are
kind of necessary evils, but natural selection is one of necessary evils.
But these days we have too much natural disasters.

mss @ Words Into Bytes said...

The more I thought about your question, the more confused I became. Eventually I just looked it up on Wikipedia.

For me, the more common expression is "the lesser of two evils". This means you have two choices but neither of them is a good choice. So you choose the "lesser evil" -- that is the choice which is not as bad as the other choice.

For example, if you are injured and develop an infection in your leg. The doctor says, if we don't cut off the leg, you will die of infection. So you choose to have your leg cut off. It is a bad choice but it is better than the other choice, dying.

Mieko said...

Thanks for your comments mss @ Words Into Bytes
"the lesser of two evils" -- I understand this pharse. When we face two "necessary evils", we have to chose lesser evil.
Atomic energy issue might be a kind of thing.

Well, I chose keeping my uterus. I suffer from monthly pain since I was about 20. It is said that such pain usually bunishes after having baby. But it was not true for me. Docotors asked which do you prefer to keep your uterus with monthy pain or to remove your uterus.