Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday's topic

Typhoon has gone. I didn't need to evacuate, but some places around my house were flooded, and according to Yuki, he showed signs  of "no trespassing"(by flood) on his way home. And he saw some , and some water-damaged cars. Fortunately he came back without troubles.
Today it's sunny, and---"hot" again.

The worst time of yesterday was only evening. So I had usual adults lessons.
Yesterday's topic was "your friends".

We talked about the "distance" between friend ship. The closer we become, the deeper our intimacy is.
It means the distance of our friendship is closer, and  the distance is too much close, sometimes the friendship breaks.
(Does it make sense?)
So we said  that appropriate distance of our friend ship is important.
(I'm not sure whether the word distance is suitable word or not.)

For you what is the most important quality in a friend?

Yesterday's fresher or special is this cake called Baumkuchen (it is German in origin.)
"Baum" means tree and "kuchen" means cake in German. It looks like rings of trees, doesn't it?
This is "the" cake of "club Harie".--- it's a little bit famous cake shop in TOKYO.

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