Saturday, November 12, 2011

Do you know how to cook ginkgo nuts?

Now the color  of leaves of ginkgo trees changed from green to yellow. My grand mother loved ginkgo nuts. When she visited us, she used to roast ginkgo nuts with pan. Unfortunately I didn' t like them because they were "too" bitter. Now I became an (old) adult, so I love the bitterness. But I didn't cook them because roasting was troublesome.

But ---microwave ovens are wonderful, aren't they?

First we prepare ginkgo nuts and a "paper" bag.

Next you put some nuts into the bag. 

And of course put it into the microwave oven, and heat them until you can hear the sound of "pon, pon" several times. (Not once it's too early.)

You take it out of the oven, and open the bag.
Here they are. Of course don't forget to take the shells out.

If you already know it, how clever you are!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the recipe. I love gingko nuts! Diana from Yokohama

Mieko said...

I'm glad this blog to help you.
New ginkgo nuts are green, and old ginkgo nuts are yellow.