Friday, August 20, 2010


We made it. (Can Tarrah see it?)
Yesterday five students tried to make TACOs. One of them said " I only know the name". One of them said "I've eaten at TEKIYA"
Well, I thought TEKIYA is a Mexican restaurant, but I've never heard of the name, though "I" am famous as a gourmet among my students. So, I asked him "where is it?" -- he said "It's not a restaurant, I ate them at a festival" And I understood that TEKIYA means a kind of stall at a festival.And the others don't know TACOs. I was wondering they would be too spicy --- but they ate them in a gleeful mood, though a student said "I 'm weak in something spicy"

Of course YUKI knew that we had made TACOs at lesson. So today's breakfast is TACOs. He said "Were they really OK, they are really spicy, though I love them."
Can you guess what is the picture?
They are jangly cherry tomatoes, though you might see any tomatoes. I used the tomatoes to cook our TACOs.
Well, today other 5 students come in the evening, so we are going to make TACOs again. Junior high school students , high school students, and elementary school students in the lower grade don't do that --- it's a secret, though I hear some junior high school students whose younger sisters are also my students, are complaining.


Tarrah08 said...

The tacos look delicious! Please tell your students they did a beautiful job (with your help of course) :) My oldest son is also not a fan of "spicy" foods either, he will often eat something else when we eat "Mexican" type dishes. Also,your tomato plants are also lovely! My 4 year old daughter wants to plant some vegetables in our little garden, are cherry tomato's difficult to grow?

P.S. It sounds as if you may have to make more tacos in the near future... ;)

Mieko said...

Thanks Tarrah,
Though some students said "I don't like spicy food", he and she must have prefered cooking lesson to usual my lesson. And planting cherry tomatoes is really easy, and eaiser than usaul tomatoes.