Friday, November 26, 2010

How to use the skunk scent

Some people must be laughing, saying "Why Mieko bought such a silly stuff!".
OK, I'll show you the way.
This season I read this book to kids and some adults. "We're going on a leaf hunt". The kids in the book go on a picnic picking up colorful leaves.
And when they reach the field for lunch, suddenly a skunk shows up.
So they , of course, run away because they afraid of the stink smell.
We can imagine, but for us skunks are "cute" animals. So this scene doesn't show reality to us.
Here I use the spray. Do I spray it? Never, I know the bad smell. I put some tissue in the plastic bag, and put one or two drop on the tissue.
Everybody said "Stink" ---- this is the word I wanted.

Well, well, is my reading finished? No, I'm a "kind" teacher, I never finish with bad smell.
I make colorful trees with paper
On the paper we draw some colorful dots with crayons or put some colourful beads. And look the back of the tree.

I put some "HINOKI" that grows only Japan and Taiwan chips on the back of the tree.
A student said "Smell like a forest"--- this phrase is another one what I wanted.

That's it.


Tarrah08 said...

Indeed, skunks are so cute! I always think of "Flower" the skunk in Bambi.. But oh the horrible smell they can produce!!! And what a great idea using the skunk spray, maybe that's why they can produce such a foul smell... because they look too cute to be intimidating! The paper trees are lovely..I like the blue color you used and I think my daughter and youngest son would enjoy making them.. Thank-You once again Mieko for another great activity! :)

Mieko said...

Have you ever got a whff of skunks?
Or Have you ever been splayed from skunks?
Anyway the smell of spray was terribly bad.