"r" is for a rope, "t" is for a tire,
and "e " is for ??? " w " is for ???
"m" is for a mirror, "d" is for a drill
"i " is for ???
Please help my students and me!!!
I'm a Japanese housewife living in Japan. I'm in my 60's. I want to know daily lives in the world, so at first I'll tell my daily. What is your daily life?
W is for Wheelbarrow...
I think that is a J for jack.....
Those are my best guesses! I hope it helps :-)
E for extinguisher,
Helen, thanks. It was "j" , wasn't it. And wheelbarrow --- now I remembered it in Japanese.
Marie, thanks. Though I thought "syoukaki" which is Japanese and means extinguisher fast it might be too lonfg for kids (trolley for us) to memolize., it is an extinguisher, isn't it. Now we mastered the word. Thanks.
How about "E" is for echo or eat or ear?
"W" could also be wheel. "E" could be earth.
Thanks someone.
I'm really happy to get such information.
earth is a good idea. and yes, I came up with the mind of wheel, but, it was rejected from my student. We wanted know the word "teoshiguruma" in Japanese and a wheelbarrow in English.
---you might think teoshiguram is also a big Japanese word.
Sorry for joining in so late, but I couldn't resist "completing the picture", so to speak:
"a" for ax (US spelling) or axe (UK spelling)
"u" for umbrella
"c" for chain
"o" for oil can
Could E be for "extinguisher"?
WOW! I'm really really happy to get many information.
Thanks everyone.
"O" is for oil can, I see. not only "oil".
And Rosa, yes I think so. it's easier to guess extinguisher from the picture.
Well, everyone, if you had such type of Japanese picture books, I always help you.
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