Monday, April 09, 2018

cheery blossom season has gone.

This spring our cherry blossom season came earlier than usual, and has gone earlier than usual.
However we had lots of nice days for enjoying the season, so lots of people must have been satisfied with SAKURA of this year.
Actually this spring I really enjoyed SAKURA.

Because, the Sakura season felt on spring vacation for kids.
So Ah-chan came here to stay with us for about a week.

On weekends, we went out to climb a hill and enjoyed lunch box under Sakura trees.

 Of course we "had to" go shopping. To be surprised, in the mall there was a real Sakura in the food court.

Though on the weekdays, Yuki went to work as usual, and I had lessons in the evening.
So we usually went out with lunch boxes in the morning.
We went to a big park near by.

We went to a child center nearby.
This year thankfully I really enjoyed Sakura and spring vacation with my family.
To tell the truth, this summer Ah-chan family moves to Thailand because of her father's job.
Probably they will live there at least more than 3 years.
So, this year's Sakura gave us a special memory.

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