Tuesday, April 17, 2018


It is the day of volunteer reading at the library for me.
Today I'm going to take an interview from a NGO group.
It is a wonderful thing, isn't it? --- even though I'm not sure how many people come to the library to join my reading time because of a weekday.
And, on "our" member list there are 7 members in my volunteer group. However the real member is just me. The others are just members on paper, or just helpers. (Probably today one of them will come to help me.)
This volunteer activity has been continued for more than 10 years. At first this activity was done with our children. While our children growing, most of them started to pursue their own life and their own time.
And anyway I'm continuing this activity.
I'm not sure it is being done on automatic pilot. (Does it make sense?) .
Though I don't have a lot of passion, I don't mind doing it.
Is it strange?
Anyway I think my activity helps someone. It is not bad.

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