Tuesday, June 05, 2018

beneficial of a kind of money coupons

This year, I also got a kind of limited money coupons.
I applied 2 months prior to them with an advance payment.
And it costs 10000 yen, and its real value is 11000 yen.
However the place we get them , is a concert hall.
It means we hear a concert or talk show for free.
This year it was a talk show. It was held on a week day, however it was full of people (ladies) and from the young (but it seems to be in their 30's) to the senior.
The speaker was a familiar singer (or actress, or performer) for our generation.
I was really surprised that she is no 66.
I thought she would be about 70. Because when I knew about her name, she had already an adult lady. My mother and my mother in-law remembers her name as a singer and the most famous song.
And I thought she is "still" shingle, but, she said that she married when she was 59.
Did she fell in love? No, (well, of course she loved partner). The reason to get marry was to support the partner's mother.
Her philosophy is Ka,Ki,Ku,Ke,KO.
Ka means Kansya, thankness  We are always supported by surrounding people.
Ki means Kihin, gracious         While we accept our aging (not against), keep gracious
Ku means, Kurou, difficulty    Living  is challengeable and has some difficulty.
Ke means, Kenkou, health       Physically and mentally we keep our health.
Ko means, Koukishi curiosity  Getting old is always an unknown world, so go ahead with curiosity.

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