Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Good morning 1212


It seems to stop raining. It is cloudy. Low air pressure makes me depressed. makes me depressed. It is a kind of seasonal affective disorder.

I am spending lazily in the morning. I haven’t finished morning routines. In a half hour, probably my body will start working. 

Last Sunday I attended a meeting in a red good sweater because of Christmas season. At the meeting I noticed lint balls on my sweater, and they annoyed me. When I left home, I didn’t notice them. When I came back, I tried to get rid of them as much as I could. I gave up. The sweater was downgraded as my homeware.

Is it all right to put it on with (a little?) lint balls?


Marta Mae said...

Well, some is OK. But you may also think of working on your sweater as a great exercise in patience and "kindness" to the old, faithful sweater. It's a little like a repair of old pottery! Maybe you actually can bring back its original beauty?

Mieko said...

Thanks for your comments. The sweater is all right, I wear it under my tunic which is long top. “ faithful sweater, t is a good word. Actually it was really useful and now it is useful at home.