Friday, March 09, 2007

everyday's lunchbox

About 7 years ago the chore of making lunchboxes for my daughters has been started. If she manages to succeed in entering a college, the chore is going to be finisned in a year.
The chore is sometimes troublesome, and sometimes intereseting.

The other day when I was watching TV, a boy student who graduated from a junior high school this year shouted to a TV camera "Thank you mother for making delicious OBENTOU(lucn box) every day!".

If I hear such saying from my younger daughter next spring, I must be very happy.

BUT in my case sometimes or often I cut corners, it means the tast of OBENTOU on the day must be so-so.

Anyway last night accidentally my younger daughter and I talked about OBENTOU. These days she goes cram school after school, so she buys OBENTOU at convenience store for supper. She said "Mum's Obentou is more delicious even though it is cold than the OBETOU at conveneince store".

Additionaly she isn't satisfied with the convenience store's OBENTOU, so after she comes home she eats something that I cooked at SLOW-COOKER, even though it's around 10PM.

And this morning I satued cabbage, squid and egg for lunch box. AND I "boiled" retort hamburger steak. I also served the hamburger steak for breakfast.

As soon as she saw it "Wow! Hambuger steak! Long time no see it" she said happily.

BUT as soon as she grab it, "Hum it's not your hand-made one, but it's OK".

Yes, today I cut corners in making OBENTOU.

Additionaly I served a sand which with this hambuger steak to my husband for his breakfast.

(Usually, my daughter has rice for breakfast, and my husband has bread.)

He said"Wow, Hambuger steak sandwhich!" He ate smoothly.

Well, this weekend I'll make handmade hambuger steak after a long separation.


Anonymous said...

Mieko, you said: "I boiled a retort steak." I have never heard of this...can you explain what this is and how you prepare it? Jan

Mieko said...

I don't know how do I desclibe it. I'll try, please correct my sentences.

Each hamburger steak is packed into a plastic vacuum bag. So we put whole of it (not take off from the bag) in the boiling water and boil for about ten minutes. After that we take the hamburger steak out of the bag and eat it.

Most retort spaghetti sauce is the same.

Anonymous said...

Thank described it well; however I cannot think of any meats being cooked this way here? Anyone? We do, however, boil rice in a little plastic bag for 10 minutes. We have vacumm bags of vegetables we "steam" in the microwave. And, of course lots of different foods cooked or heated in plastic containters in the microwave. Now there is talk that cooking food in plastic isn't healthy. Who knows? Jan

Mieko said...

Maybe cooking food in plastig bag isn't healthy. BUT I think there is nothing healthy perfectly. So I say to my self, useing sometimes is OK, though it might be a flimsy excuse.