Sunday, March 25, 2007


The other day my younger daughter and I went to KAMAKURA, where it takes about one hour from TOKYO by train. (and it takes more than three hours from here by train.) KAMAKURA is a historical town, I love there. Well I already went there a few weeks ago with my friend.
Why I went there again after a short interval is the following reason. When I told about my visit to KAMAKURA to my daughter, she said "I've never been there."

I was really surprised. We live in KANTOU, so usually school kids go there for their school trip, actually my elder daughter went there twice when she was an elementary school student and a junior high school student. So I thought my younger daughter would have been there too.

BUT, the visit to histrocial citys tends to make young students bored, so when my younger daughter was an elementary school student, they went to Disney land instead of the historical city "KAMAKURA". And when she was a junior high school, they went to KYUSYU instead of another more famous historiacl city "KYOTO". So unfortunately she has never been to historical cities in JAPAN except NIKKOU, where it is in our prefecture. So I took her to KAMAKURA during this spring vacation.

Of course I took her some famous temples and shrines. She said "it might be a vaulable experience".

But more fun is -- eating and dropping in at cafe. (Probably shopping might have been fun, but we didn't have enough budget.) For me it was also "great" fun. She took some photos by her cell phone, I put them on this blog.


Anonymous said...

Meiko, You and your family are fortunate to be able to visit the historical sites and other places of interest in your country. Your excellent train system makes almost everything accessible! As you know, the USA is a huge country and many people never see our "history" because it is much too far and too expensive to travel. Good for you to make this trip with your daughter! Jan

Mieko said...

in a good sense and a bad sense, Japan is a small island. So we can trip most of this country by train except OKINAWA. BUT it is "expensive" to take "SHINKANSEN", so we went there by local train.