Thursday, November 24, 2011


This is "the" blue papaya. It feels a little sticky like a yellow papaya, but it's hard. I slice a half of it with slicer and flied them with beef. I made salad a quarter of it. And I pickled the rest


 I made another pickles. It's celery's one. To make pickles, I consciously bought an inexpensive bottle of wine. Of course I don't use all of wine, so Yuki "consciously" drank rest (or most of all) of them.
Half of bunch of celery became pickled celery, and the lest of bunch of celery became celery-liquor.

Jan can you see this page, I miss your pickles. So please tell me the recipe of your pickles source.


Anonymous said...

What I sent you was pickled okra. Here, we basically use vinegar (and salt) when pickling foods, not wine. In fact, I've never heard of wine being used! And, I've never heard of celery being pickled but would like to taste it. Probably the most popular food that is pickled is cucumbers and if you say the word "pickle" the majority of people would think of this although pickled beets are fairly common. Jan

Mieko said...

Jan, of course we (Yuki and I ) know that was pickled okra. And in Japanese okra is OKURA.
How do you make the pickled sauce?
And it is the first time for me to make pickled celery. It's not bad though I don't like celery.