Saturday, April 29, 2023

lunch diary 0429 short version


Coincdently I got a bunch of flowers. I'm really happy.

Golden week vacation has come.  Thankfully we get busy. When our usual days come back, I'll udpate my blog.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Good morning 0428


What are these? Unfortunately today’s hot sandwiches got burnt. Today’s bread was baked by my HB. So the bread is included than our usual bread bought by a supermarket. 

Inside of the hot sandwiches is cutlet I cooked last night and sliced fresh spring onion.

It it’s the last weekday of this week . On Japanese calendar nig vacation will start for tomorrow.  

For two of us, this week end is normal .

Next week our family week will have started.

We will go to Tokyo to visit our mothers, and we Weill come back with our elder daughter. Then next next day our grand daughter will come.

Anyway today we spend a usual day.

I should go to the gym. Next two weeks I won’t be able to go to the gym probably.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Good morning 0427


A big curry bread! 

It is sunny. We do regular things. Yuki goes playing tennis. I should to the gym .

The rhubarb in my garden was was growing well until a few days ago. But I didn’t notice a worm 🐛 had lived. Two-thirds of leaves   were. Though I put it away, I don’t know the rhubarb will be good. 

A friend comes today with some small rhubarb seedlings. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Good morning 0426


The inside of these hot sandwiches is chicken cutlet I cooked yesterday. It is raining but not so cold.

Yuki’s tennis was cancelled , Yuki will organize his room today. Or shall we go to a big supermarket to do walking exercise?

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Good morning 0425


It is still “sunny”. According to the weather forecast it will rain in the second half of this week. 

Yesterday in the afternoon two of us and our neighbor senior couple went to see wisteria by Yuki’s car. Probably it was the first time to go out four of us. They are over 75 years old. When two of us moved here they would give us lots of advice. All of us are aged. They seemed very enjoy yesterday’s afternoon.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Good morning 0424


Monday has started.

Last night I talked with a friend who is older than me but in the same generation. She is (compared with me) not so good at IT gadget.

 Her smartphone didn’t work suddenly, so she went to a cell phone shop nearby yesterday. And in the same day she got “the latest” smartphone which is android. 

She said with a big sigh “look this smartphone has a camera with three lenses “. It means the latest . It means it is very expensive. And why she said with a big sigh is she had no choice.

We knew when we go to a official smartphone shop , usually they deal with only latest smart phones including Apple iPhone. If we don’t need to buy the latest in official shops, we need to access to the online official shop.

We said each other it has got a difficult word for the senior citizens who are not so good at IT skill.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Lunch diary 0422 short version

This week we had lunch outside twice. 
A friend of mine visited me , so I served good Japanese sweets to celebrate her leaving hospital.

Yuki went to Tokyo by Shinkansen. It was the first time in the last year to go there by train.

Well, well, we need to tighten the purse strings. 

Friday, April 21, 2023

Good morning 0421

 Last night Yuki came back without any trouble. He came back. By bus not taxi from the station. It means he caught the last bus, not he last “Shinkansen”. He said “I saved money not to take red-eye taxi (with extra fee).

A new nursing center for Yuki’s mother I has not decided yet. She took nursing care level check again. From this situation we realized again that  our life plan is unstable. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Good morning 0420


Today Yuki is going to join a meeting in the evening and have dinner in Tokyo.

He goes there by train. It has passed more than three years since  train last time. 

When he was a businessman he went there by “Shinkansen”. Today he goes there by local train and comes back here by “Shinkansen” . Oncourse to save money. 

I hope he won’t miss the last Shinkansen and he won’t fall asleep and miss his stop. 

Actually he did it sometimes. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Good morning 0419

 Yesterday, it was cold. But I had a good sweet time with my friend. 

Yesterday’s cold temperature makes me so I am thinking whether I go to the gym or not. (Yesterday I went to the gym)

Today Yuki has no schedule. It means probably he will go “shopping”. If I go with him, we might have lunch outside. I am thinking this month home budget.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Good morning 0418


Yuki goes out in a few minutes to play golf. According to his schedule, he was going to already go out. 

In the afternoon a friend of mine will come. She left the hospital last week.  So she and I will spend lazy afternoon here. Another friend might come. 

In the morning I will go to the gym, and on the way home I will buy some delicious Japanese sweets for three of us. 

Monday, April 17, 2023

Good morning 0417


Monday has started. We go downtown to do some errands. 

In our residential area, we make a neighborhood association. It is separated into small groups. We belong to Group 15. 

The leader is changed every year by turn. This year a senior lady who lives along became the leader of our group. The main thing for leader to do is to organize circular boards. This time we are the last person to see them, after seeing them we have to return them to her.

Actually I am worried about her situation recently. So it is a good excuse to see her without appointment. On the other hand we are surprised she took the role. She could refuse the role because of her age. 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

lunch diary 0415 short version


I made short version video again. It is short. So if you are intereseted in my HAIKU, please pause the video while you are watching.

The music is composed by Yuki.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

troubleshotter 0414

It is raining, today. Both of us are staying home. Yesterday's advise colum was interesting. (in English version it is called troubleshooter )

I tried to translate it in English.

I’m in my 20’s. Is it strange that I don’t have any dream?

Advice seeker

I’m in my 20’s and a part-timer. My cousin who is 8 years older than me said that I’m strange because I don’t have any dream. Then I feel gloomy and her saying is my stress.

My cousin is a daughter of my mother’s elder brother. When we were young, our relationship was bad. Since our grandmother died, we have talked friendly. 

The other day when we talked together, she asked me if I had a dream. I said “no”. She said “it is strange you don’t have any dream. You should have what you want, or an aim. Put yourself together”. I felt like being lectured by her.

I know I tend to be realistic. Reality is more important for me than dream. I’m doing my best to focus on today and tomorrow. I can’t afford to make time to think about my dream and future.

Is it strange that I don’t have any dream?

Adviser Mr.Ogawa (a philsopher)

“Do people need to live with having a dream?” The answer depends on people. I think there are three ways for people to live depending on which time they focus on ; past, current or future. 

The first one is to focus on their past. If you have really good experiences, it might be all right. But if you regret your past, I don’t recommend to live focusing on your past.

The second one is to focus on their future. In this case you need to have dream. Because you live and make an effort for your dream.

The third one is to face the present and live now. In this case you don’t need to have dream. Because you can live this moment without thinking your future. 

I know, people who enjoy the moment are different from people who live hardly at the moment. But German philosopher Martin Heidegger, in 20 centuries said that all three ways are proper way to live for people.

So, people who live hardly at the moment like you, I'd say it's not necessarily necessary to have dream. You don’t care such a thing. You will be fulfilled with your current life and enjoy your usual days more.

Well, I think nowadays, the number ofpeople who don't have a (big) dream is increasing, because of this unstable world.
So it is all right to do the best every day.
Thinking about myself, I have been a negative or conservative person since I was a high school student. (Before it, I don't remeber because I was too young)
And thking about my current situation, we don't know what happnes tomorrow (to be more specific, when we visit our mothers to care), so we do the best what we can do today.
Well, today's our mission is "spending lazy". Additionally I did my weekend mission "10 things discarding".

Friday, April 14, 2023

Good morning 0414

Though my cholesterol value is still high, but it hasn’t changed for more than one year. So I don’t take any medicine. And thankfully “arteriosclerosis” doesn’t get worse.
The doctor told me “anyway walking”. As you know I am not good at sports.And I don’t like outside activities very much. I am not a healthy nut, though I take some supplements.However, I try to conk it Inume walking exercise and going to the gym as much as possible.
I saw an interesting column of my favorite “troubleshooter” . 

Is it a way of thinking of Japanese senior people?  Coincidentally the advice seeker lives in the same prefecture with me,

 My Grandson Lets His Girlfriend Stay Overnight at Our House I’m a woman in my 70s. I’m not working and living in a two-family home for five years with my husband, my son’s couple in their 40s and my grandchildren. My 19-year-old grandson started having his girlfriend from the same vocational school stay at our house. My son and his wife gave permission, and at first I welcomed the girlfriend, but then she said she would stay one more night because her classes were cancelled the next day. When I asked her if her parents would worry about her, she said they were fine with it. The second time my grandson brought her was unannounced. I know I am in a different generation from them and have old-fashioned ideas. But, when I asked the girlfriend if she has told her parents that she would stay at her male friend’s house, my son interrupted and shouted, “What an old-fashioned way of thinking!” It then became an argument. I’m not happy with the situation especially when thinking of the influence on my other grandchildren. Later, I told my grandson, “I’m sorry for saying a strange thing,” and “Don’t you think your priority is to study hard and get a qualification, as long as you are still depending on your parents?” He only said, “I understood.” How should I look at the situation?
— I, Tochigi Prefecture
 "Dear Ms. I: You know that the age of adulthood in Japan was lowered from 20 to 18 last April, right? Now, 19-year-olds can make various contracts without the consent of their parents. They also have the right to vote. Your grandson is already an adult. Since his girlfriend tells you that there is no problem, don’t you think your grandson and his girlfriend are in a much more secure relationship than staying out overnight in an unknown place without their families’ knowledge? Your son and his wife are OK with it, probably because they like their son’s girlfriend. But, that doesn’t mean that you have to accept the situation. You are right in your opinion that your grandchildren should study as long as they are still dependent. It is not surprising for an older generation to feel uncomfortable to see that a couple stay overnight together before marriage. You have lived by your own ethics. You don’t have to force yourself to bridge the generation gap, and for your grandchildren, having a family member who doesn’t understand them will serve as an opportunity to take a look at their own relationship with their partners. You don’t have to be an understanding grandmother. You don’t have to apologize. One day, your grandchildren will understand that some people worry about them because they care about them, and that is how you show your love as their grandmother. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Good morning 0412


Yesterday , it was my performance day with my friend. Fortunately most of tables are occupied by audience. I thought I got  used to communicating others. But it seems wrong.  Last night I didn’t sleep well because I was excited. I seem to get used to being alone or with a few people after corona pandemic.

Today’s my mission is going to the game and walking.

Tomorrow I have to take blood check at hospital.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Good morning 0411


Today it is the day of Karaku, my performance day.

After the last Karaku day versus things (mainly about my mother in-law) happened. It seemed long for me to pass one month. 

Little by little I put away my winter clothes in a storage box in the closet. My goal about my clothes is not to do it. So I try to do less my clothes, but it is difficult. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

Good morning 0410


A Monday has started. Yuki got up very early and is still watching golf masters. After it finishes he is going fishing. 

I will go to the gym with belated Easter eggs,

Yesterday we went to a city art museum, there I saw a friend. Probably it has passed three years since we saw the last.  Talking with her at the entrance hall of the museum was more fun and longer than appreciating the works. Our husband was waiting for us patiently and quietly outside or in the car. 

She will visit me sooner to talk the rest of her story. 

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Lunch diary 0408 short version

 30 second video!

I changed the decorations of the entrance shelf. “Golden week holiday” including “holiday of children’s day comes in May.

Saturday, April 08, 2023

trouble shooter 0403

 I tried to translate advice colum I was interested in.

Advice seeker; 

I have never been number one in anything that I have done

I’m in my 20’s. I have never been number one in anything that I have done

What I mean is to be selected by people who are not personally related to me.  Or I can say someone shows me special affection, or an authority nominates and praises me directly, or get special approval from people around me. 

I tend to think that I am disliked because I am not number one. I can’t get any reward for my affection or efforts, I get late replies, and I don’t get any praise.

I get along well with my family. I might be greedy and selfish because I want to be loved by more people not only by them. However I'm upset by my own uselessness because I am not number one in anything I do.

Adviser Mr.Ogawa (an philosopher)

You seem to worry that you have never been number one. You also said being number one is to be selected by other people. What you really need is to accept yourself, not to be number one or to be selected by other people.

Axel Honneth who is a philosopher in Germany uses the word “approval” about what you say. “Approval” is not to be accepted by others, but to accept yourself. Evaluation from others is only material to get approval from ourselves. 

So, if you are satisfied with yourself, you don’t need to care what others think. It is the same story with “which came first the egg, or the hen?”  If you can’t accept yourself while you are not accepted by others, you never get “approval”.

So, if you can’t do it, might as well accept yourself first. Consequently, other people naturally accept who you if you have confidence. It is clear which is easier, accept yourself or be accepted by others. Either way you will be number one, so you should choose the easier way. When you accept yourself, I think you won’t care whether you are number one or not.

Friday, April 07, 2023

Good morning 0407

Yesterday we could see a high school brass band  and parade downtown. This Saturday it is “kannbutsuea” which is a day of Buddha’s birthday. To celebrate the day the parade with some Buddhist kindergarten kids seemed to be done. This brass band is famous for their high level. They have won the first prize sometimes in Japan high school brass band contest. Actually they were cool.

 Today I will attend my haiku club meeting. One month has passed sine I attended before. For the period we often went to Tokyo mainly to visit my mother in-law. Though her situation isn’t settled, I hope she will be able to spend stable days.

Thursday, April 06, 2023

Good morning 0406


It’s Thursday. It is a little “cold” today. Yesterday I went to chiropractic clinic, and my waist is getting better. In the afternoon we are going to a bank downtown. Since Yuki retired, three and a half of years have passed. It is time to reconsider our retire budget. 

Well, I will go doing only 15 minute exercise (and chatting) to the gym in the morning.

Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Good morning 0405


I forgot to take today’s breakfast photo. These days I have a new  morning errand. Picking up some pansies in the garden and put them into this big vase. I enjoy spring! I don’t know whether Yuki notices it. 

Little by little our usual routine is coming back. Thankfully little by little my pollen allergy is going away. 

However yesterday I twisted my left waist and it still hurts. I will go to chiropractic clinic nearby.

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Good morning 0404

 Yesterday’s mission was finished without any trouble. Though some troubles have continued, we should keep our life. Anyway today I (should) go to the gym. Next week I will have to take blood check of every three month. I think these days I eat much meat and sweets than usual. I hope my cholesterol value won’t be up. 

Monday, April 03, 2023

Good morning 0403


Today I am going to visit office to close my school officially “in a suit”.

It has been a long time to put on a suit. I sometimes attended. workplace training in a suit. But because of corona pandemic such training and meeting are done by net.

Thankfully I seem to keep my figure like three years before, so I can still put on the same suit. (Or, I cannot buy a new suit.)

Saturday, April 01, 2023

lunch diary 0401 short version


I made short version video in English. only 23 minutes.
Oh, sorry, I added the last picture of Japanese version.
The script is
a shower of cherry blossoms; a small girl scooping and hopping