Thursday, June 15, 2023

Good morning 0615


Today I have a meeting with a stuff of the library. The other day they asked me if I could start volunteer reading at the library. 

Though I will talk with them, I don’t decided if I do it or not. Now I have no members to do with it. For these three days each daily life has changed. It is difficult to rearrange their schedule now. 

And also it must be hard to collect other members. 

Before corona pandemic, we used to do twice a month. Th Rome is on the third Tuesday and the other is on the third Sunday.

 I have decided not to do it on the Sundays. To tell the truth there were a few audience on third Tuesday reading meeting. It was a kind of member meeting. 

So if I do it alone, I might be only sitting and reading there for 30 minutes there because of any audience. 

It might be all right,I often go to the library to borrow some books. So reading there for 30 minutes is no problem for me. But I am tied up with the meeting once a month, or I have something to do once a month.

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