Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Good morning 1231

 It is the last day of 2024, isn't it?

Yesterday a fried of mine visited us with her daughter. She and i have been friends since our kids went to kindergarten. So her we know her daughter very well, though her daughter was little. and Yuki also knows her! of course when she was little. iIt was the first time for both them to see each other in about 30 years. 

Both of them said "you haven't changed" with a big laugh!

Today I stay in the kitchen to simmer lots of things. actually I have already started to simmer black soy beans. 

Yuki has any special plans. But probably he will go find out to buy something a little bit expensive delicatessen for our today’s dinner.

By Yuki

Monday, December 30, 2024

Good morning 1230

 Last week of this year has started, and new year starts in three days.  The atmosphere of this town is lively. For two of us only New Year’s Day is special, because we hold a family together. (We hope it will be sunny). The other days are normal days for us, though Yuki has no tennis meeting, I have no gym.

Today in the morning we go to a clinic downtown and drop by a department store which must be crowded.

Then we go taking special feast to our favorite restaurant. Then we are going to drop by at Karaku cafe. It is closed, so we will say just “hello and have a good year.” Unfortunately we can’t have lunch at Karaku cafe. 

By Yuki

Sunday, December 29, 2024

lunch diary 1228


lunch diary 1228

A new year is just around the corner.

On the New Year Day, our daughters are going to come and have lunch together.

Of course our grand daughter and our son in-law are going to come together.

Today it is the last day for Yuki to play tennis.

I stay home all the day to do paperwork.

Yesterday “we” clean the kitchen fan. So our winter cleaning is finished.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Good morning 1227


I put new years’ things on the entrance shelf.

Yesterday, my neighbor came and we made apple comports together. It was a small year end party for two of us.

Today I am going to the gym, but—- .of course Yuki goes playing tennis. 

In the afternoon Yuki and I got to the clinic. 

Anyway it is the last week day of this week. This week end Yuki probaly will clean the kitchen fan. 

By Yuki

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Good morning 1226


New year’s holiday is just around the corner. Yesterday we did n’t go to Tokyo. Because many people who lives in the nursing home have fever. They won’t accept visitors outside, and we wanted to avoid to go there in such situation. The staff knows our situation, so we decided not to go there.

We went to get apples and Japanese green onion directly at farms. We are the farmers’ regular customers and friends. It was the last visit of this year, and it was the last visit to the Apple orchard of this season. We get lots of fresh presents from them. 

By Yuki

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Good morning 1225


Merry Christmas. 

We are going to visit Yuki’s mother in Tokyo today, though we don’t call to her nursing home yet. It depends on her situation. 

Yesterday, it was a good Christmas Eve. Yuki enjoyed Christmas jam session. I talked with Karakuk’s owner’s couple (mainly Yuki’s symptoms)

When I went back home, one of our friends dropped by to pass chicken. Another friend Al’s dropped by to give me a close hanging basket.

 Yuki took back with homemade pudding at a cafe where his jam session was hold. The pudding got our breakfast. We bought  pieces of cake.

By Yuki 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Good morning 1224


It is  Christmas Eve, isn’t it?

Today, it is the last day of this year for Yuki to go playing tennis today”weekday” tennis. Winter vacation starts at school. It means kids play tennis as winter club activity at public tennis coat, so it is difficult for Yuki’s senior members to rent tennis coat constantly. 

In the afternoon, he is going to join Christmas jam session. He is wondering who comes. Anyway it is a weekday in Japan. So people who are free must be the elderly. 

Me? I will spend  at home lazily, I might go doing one circuit exercise at the gym in the afternoon. I have no scheduled plans for this Christmas as of now. 

By Yuki

Monday, December 23, 2024

Lunch diary 1221


lunch diary 1221

This week is "christmas week".
Do you have any plans?
We have "no" plans, just spend the days as usual.
We might buy fresh cream cake!

Yesterday we went to a concert which our friends participated in.
The weekend before the last we went to see a stage my friend plaied alone.
So this year we really enjoyed Christmas events.

Today in the morning I go taking acupuncture treatmet.
While I take it, Yuki goes to Costoco. He was asked "the chicken" by friends, though we don't buy it. 
His main aim is buyinb SAKE, some presents for his tennismates and a big bottle of propolis. 
He was interested in taking proplis, and he asked about it to the doctor. The doctor permitted it wih a smile, though saying "not to much".

By Yuki 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Good morning 1221


Yesterday Yuki could take immunotherapy.  Additionally his ldl score got higher, he started taking medicine, though I don’t take the medicine yet. (My ldl score is a little bit lower than his)

Thankfully the score which shows pneumonia isn’t high, though he continues taking steroid medicine. 

Anyway he has no symptoms. He goes playing tennis today. Tomorrow we are going to a concert which our friend holds.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Good morning 1220


Yuki doesn’t take breakfast. Because he has to take blood check, and if the result has no problems, he takes the second immunotherapy. 

Today I hold our laughter club meeting. It is the last meeting of this year.  Probably it will change to a chat meeting having snack. 

In the afternoon we go to dentist. My chipped front tooth hasn’t been repaired. I suffer gum immflamuation easily when I get depressed.Yuki’s teeth are all right he goes to protect his gum.

We hope to spend today smoothly.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Good morning 1219


It is cloudy. It is cold, though it doesn’t snow. Yuki goes playing tennis.  I really admire his and his tennis mates health power.

I will do one circle exercise at the gym.

At night I take English chat lesson. I seldom have an opportunity to speak English. So I applied 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Good morning 1218


Yesterday I grilled hamburger steak. Today’s breakfast was the rest of it. 

I finished tearing apart of kimono of my friends. Today I return them to her. 

The things we should do in this year finish one by one. 

My doctor said that I might suffer CFS, but your depression seems to be bad in the morning, you might suffer light depression. Probably it is still difficilut to accept this situation for me. Since corona pandemic, I have had lots of unexpected things like my mother’s problem, the trouble between my brothers (and Yuki’s brothers’ trouble) and Yuki’s illness .

 I have enough appetite. So I am all right. Today what will I cook for lunch and dinner?

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Good morning 1217


We have no schedule, though Yuki goes to a clinic and I am not sure whether to go to the gym. Though it is my usual excuse, this coldness makes me tired. This year suddenly winter has come. I could not have opportunities to wear thin sweater or sweat shirts. Of course I don’t discard them. 

Anyway we do what we can do today. 

Our window cleaning is almost finished.  This week “we” clean our kid’s room’s windows. And until the end of this month Yuki is going to clean the kitchen fan. 

Monday, December 16, 2024

lunch diary 1214


Last week we went to Costco. We were going to buy SUSHI for our dinner.
But they were not sold. Instead of it this "POKI roll" is sold. So we bought one for our dinner.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Good morning 1213


It is the last weekday, Friday. Main missions are finished. Today’s missions are, Yuki!s clinic, and going to a department to take our order “big Chinese dumplings”.

To tell the truth I have being not so good, but probably I am all right. I hope or want not to get depressed worse. 

It is a good excuse to go to the department to buy some delicatessen.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Good morning 1212


Today it is our Costco day. ( it is my clinic day to take CBT)

Last time we went there, we found sushi is sold at the food coat. It is a full- fledged  serving. We can buy a big pack of sushi at food corner, but it is too much.  

So today’s dinner is the sushi, we buy one severing and share it.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Good morning 1211


Yesterday’s performance at karaku was really fun. Today I have a meeting with the library’s staff. 

We get our work? Events which we do this year done one by one.

Though I am easily flustered when something different from usual, anyway we do what we can do today. Additionally probably this week I won’t go to the gym. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Good morning 1210


Good morning. Yesterday’s missions were all done. Today it is the day of Karaku, it means my performance day. 

Yesterday we had lunch outside. “You” might be interested  in this photo.

Monday, December 09, 2024

lunch diary &haiku 1207


A new week has started.
This week we have some plans, so we often out more than usual.
Last Saturday his band played at a christmas concert.
It was fhe first time to put on a tie in five years.
We? I ? haven't discared his ties yet except some formal ties.
Well do we have an oppotunyty to go together where he puts on his tie?

Today I dominate some English books to an international association. 
I will start to let to my collection  in earnest.

Friday, December 06, 2024

Good morning 1206


We are all right. Yesterday I went to clinic, the doctor said you get me tally tired.  My throat wasn’t swollen.  Anyway both of us don’t have a cold. It is a good thing. On the other hand our granddaughter had mycoplasma pneumonia, but now she is a lot better, she goes to school. 

Today Yuki goes playing tennis, and go to clinic. 

I should go to the gym and at least will do one circle exercise. I am asked to tear up some kimono of my friend. I need to take them at the gym.

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Good morning 1205


It is sunny. Yuki has no fever, he goes playing tennis.  I am relieved though I feel dull. (Today I might go to clinic nearby)

Yesterday’s, English picture meeting was fun. Only one member joined. But we had lots of conversation about how to English picture books, and poem. 

This is a page of a book written by Erick Carle. He has extracted many famous phrases from famous books (probably). Some “haiku”s were also extracted.

Leaping flying fish! Dancing for me and my boat  as I sail for home. —- haiku kouson

Well, both of us don’t know this haiku poetry “kouson”. We don’t know original haiku. 

So, we tried to “translate “ this haiku in Japanese. It was fun.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Good morning 1204


It is Tuesday. I forgot to update  this diary. I thought I did it. 

Monday night Yuki had a a fever.  But yesterday he had no fever. He stayed home during the daytime, he went out to join his band practice. Today he is all right
On the other hand I have a headache and runny nose. (And I feel duo as usual.) Do I take a cold? Today I stay home without going to the gym.

Luckily today I have a zoom meeting in the morning. 

Monday, December 02, 2024

Lunch diary 1130


December has alreday started. Anyway two of us spend usual days. We are happy.
Today we go out to do some paperwork. 

This week I will hold our English picutre club online meeting. Probably two members will join. I'm not sure to resume volunteer activity at the library. However next week I am going to talk with a staff of the library.

From next week our elder daughter's group exhibition will start.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Good morning 1129


It is sunny. In the morning Yuki is going to be discharged from the hospital.

Yesterday, I didn’t visit the hospital. However he seemed to be busy. Because our daughters called him in turn. So he could kill the time. 

This afternoon, probably we will go grocery shopping, mainly “sake”. 

November is almost finished. 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Good morning 1128


Yuki is all right. He continues this immunotherapy. 

We will be able to spend usual weekend, it means Yuki will go playing tennis.

To tell the truth I become negative easily. December is just around the corner. 

I will walk to the bank to record transactions in our passbooks. Are you surprised? I still record them manually. I keep household account! Though I use an app. I am really stingy! But sometimes I am really generous, especially Costco day. Usually we present something new we get there to our friends. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Good morning 1127


It is cloudy. It is a quiet morning. 

Yesterday it was a long day. Yesterday we could talk with the doctors longer than usual. It is interesting, the doctor says I have time to patients who are hospitalized. 

If any allergy symptom doesn’t happen after the first immunotherapy today, he will come home on Friday. He continues coexisting with his tumors taking another immunotherapy. The probability of occurring pneumonia is higher than before after he takes it a few times.

In the morning I will (should) go to the gym. In the afternoon I will go to Karaku to talk with the master, on the way home I stop by the hospital. Now visitors to the hospital go in to the patients’ room directly. And it is permitted to talk for 15 minutes. Last year we couldn’t because of coronavirus pandemic.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Good morning 1126


It is cold, but sunny. We go to a clinic in the morning then we go to the hospital. Yuki for a while is hospitalized.

 Now we are taking what we will eat outside for our lunch.  It is a calm morning. 

I talked a staff of the library. I am going to donate my English picture book collection.  Most of them are paper book.  They usually don’t accept paper books, but they have few English picture books. So they seem to accept my collection. But I want the books to be used, so I should show the feature of the books. For exemplar, color series, alphabet series and so on.  or, a few sentences, long sentences, and so on. It takes a few months. 

This is a kind of my discarding, but it is fun.

Monday, November 25, 2024

lunch diary 1123

 lunch diary 1123

A new week has started.
And a new stage will start from tomorrow.

It is sunny, today. We might go outside. Where?
We might go for “a special handmade broom”
 Why broom?
I am particular about handmade brooms. Of course I use a vacuum, I mainly use a broom every morning to clean the rooms. Since I came here I use “Kanuma broom”. The current broom is getting old and deteriorated. So we might drive to Kanuma , where it is 40 minute drive. 

Friday, November 22, 2024

Good morning 1122

 Today, it is November 22nd. It is “Good Couple Day” in Japan. In Japanese “ good couple” sounds similar to 11/22. One sounds “i”,two sounds “fu”. So it can be read “i-i fuu-fu”. It means a good  married couple. I don’t know when it appears. Anyway these years every year stories about good couple day appear in the news.

For two of us, it is a usual day. In the morning each of us does exercise (tennis, gym) . In the afternoon we go to a clinic and I walk. In the evening we spend easily as usual. Yuki says “I create own my music on PC” (while taking a nap). I say “I will practice the piano or put together our end of life planing on our note”.

Did I tell you recently I got a private certification of  end of life plan adviser.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Good morning 1121


Today it is our  Costco day, it means I take CBT at a clinic. I was asked to get a bag of onions, and Yuki was also asked to get bulgogi bake. On the way home from Costco, we should drop two houses. It will be fun.

What we can do today, we do and enjoy!

Additionally, last night our elder daughter Adriane’s at Narita airport.  Both travels to Senegal and Thailand were sponsored trips. She didn’t use her money and she didn’t earn money. 

In December she will join an exhibition .

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Good morning 1120


From next Tuesday Yuki is going to be hospitalized. His new stage will start taking a different immunotherapy. We really realized that lung cancer has poor prognosis.  As I told you he has no symptoms on the surface. Some people might choose no treatment. Yuki takes treatment covered by our health insurance. 

Yesterday on the way home from the hospital we went to a mall and he bought a new cap.

Today we spend as usual. He goes playing tennis, I should go to the gym (before going to the gym I should return boos to the library.)

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Good morning 1119


Tuesday has come. In one and a half hour later, we leave. 

I know it can’t be helped. We decided he takes all treatments covered by his health insurance.

We hope he won’t suffer side effects. 

Monday, November 18, 2024

lunch diary 1116


We could go seeing colorful leaves last week.
It was fun!!!
Today we leave home in 40 minutes. We go to Yuki city to buy our favorite soy sauce. 
There is a soy sauce factory.  Only in the morning they sell their soy sauce at the factory. 

Tomorrow we are going to see the doctor. Then his treatment will be decided. 
For a while it might be difficult to drive far. 

Friday, November 15, 2024

Good morning 1115


It is Friday, the last weekday of this week. On the surface our life daily life hasn’t changed yet. 

In the morning laughter yoga meeting is held here. Today two women are going to come. 

This Sunday we have our mayoral election. Of course we will go to vote to “get” voter discount. And probably we will buy cake.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Good morning 1114


It is sunny. Yuki is about to leave home to go to the hospital. He gets a PET scan in the morning. It takes about three hours. 

Today’s y schedule is, going to the clinic, a bank, and a store to buy groceries. Oh, I  should go to the community center to hand my picture cards of this month. 

Did I write about the picture cards?

I join a volunteer activity supported by the community center. It is to draw picture cards every month. The cards are delivered to the elderlies who live mainly alone. 

Some volunteers draw their cards at the community center once a month, the others draw their cards at home and pass them to the staff. I draw my cards at home.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Good morning 1113


Yuki has already left home to play golf. He is fine. 


New tumors were found. They are small, as of now it is not sure whether they are bud or not.  Tomorrow he will take a pet. Next Tuesday we will see the doctor again. Additionally, his brain has no problem. His tumor marker is all right. 

Anyway he has no symptom. 

Radiation treatment or chemotherapy treatment will start again. 

Today in the morning a family visit my home library. In the evening a girl come s to take a piano lesson. 

We do what we can do now. 

P.S my friend seems to worry about replacing vaccination. At least around us no one including two of us take vaccination against coronavirus. The reason is probably, the cost, doubt, and not obligation. On the other hand some people take vaccination against flu, though we don’t take. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Good morning 1112


In 40 minutes we will leave home. We see the doctor and take an explain about Yuki’s  MRI check he took last week.  Effie seeing the doctor he takes blood check. So after that we will have breakfast, though I don’t need to skip breakfast. (It is troublesome to prepare it for my self. ) we are having coffee now.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Lunch diary & haiku poem 1109


Now Daikon is growing in fields and our neighbor also grows Daikon in her field.
Daikon it self is still little, but now the leaves are very soft. So luckily we get the leaves, to tell the truth they come too often.
Anyway I constatnly cook these leaves. The easiest way is to cook them with Bulgogi beef yakiniku of COSTOCO.

I hope you can see this youtube "lucnh dairy & haiku poem 1109"

Friday, November 08, 2024

Good morning 1108


It is sunny. It is the last weekday of this week. 

Today’s our plan is that: in the morning Yuki goes playing tennis, I go to the gym. After lunch at home, we go to the library and  Yukik’s clinic. While Yuki is  in the clinic I will walk around there as my walking exercise. 

Next we are going to see the doctor who will tell us the result of Yuki’s CT and MRI. 

We will spend a calm weekend without special plans. 

Thursday, November 07, 2024

Good morning 1107


The preparation for our community center autumn festival was finished. From today to his Sunday the festival is held for these weekdays only group exhibitions are held. The members of our Haiku club display our haiku. This Sunday lots of performances farm stores and food stalls are going to do and open.  We are worried about the weather. Because mainly they are outside.

Our elder daughter yesterday was taken to hospital. She got a shot and got some medicine. She doesn’t have any bad illness. 

Well two of us are surprised that Mr. Trump won by an overwhelming victory. 

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Good morning 1106


It is cloudy. A few minutes ago it was rainy. 

Today I go to the community center to join to prepare for the community autumn festival. It is the biggest work for me in this week.

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Good morning 1105


I feel under the weather, maybe my nervous system is in disorder.

It is sunny, today, so probably I am all right. 

Suddenly it is cold every morning and night. This temperature difference is one reason. Another reason is that my elder daughter is in Chiang Mai n Thailand. Since next day she arrived there she has a fever. She says she doesn’t feel have a cold, probably it comes from hard schedule. 

She was going to stay for two or three days in Paris because the air plane situation. Any fortunately she is in Chiang Main and with some Japanese.

In the morning we are going to the clinic where Yuki takes immunotherapy. Basically he goes there by himself, sometimes will go there. And in the afternoon I will go to the gym.

Monday, November 04, 2024

lunch diary 1102

I hope you can see this youtube "lunch diary 1102".

It is Monday, but it is a holiday. We have no plan. Probably we go to the library.

Yesterday Yuki’s band performed at a big city stage. It was a nice day, so there were lots of audience.
Of course the concert was free because it was hold by our city. 
In the evening, a friend visited us. Three of us were talking.

Friday, November 01, 2024

Good morning 1101


November has come. We shared the rest of yesterday’s cake for our breakfast. 

Our elder daughter T could could on a plane which is not different from the first one. She is leaving for Bangkok via Helsinki. At Helsinki airport there were Japanese signs. She was really relieved.

She is in her 30’s, and shingle. Thankfully? when she is worried or feels anxious she calls us. It remains us of being a family. 

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Good morning 1031


Happy Halloween !

Today Yuki canceled his tennis in the morning. Because he watches Otani!s game. Me? No I go to the gym.

In the afternoon we are going to the hospital to do paperwork, then on the way home we are going to buy Halloween  cake using voter discount.

We will spend a calm day.


However, now we are worried about our elder daughter T, though we can’t do anything. 

She called us a few minutes ago.She is in Dakar airport, and has already checked in for her flight.  Her schedul is to go to Paris, to go to Bangkok. Suddenly the flight of from Paris to Bangkok was canceled. 

Her ticket is of Air France. The new ticket Air France prepared was the one which schedule was two days later. If she used the ticket  she would have to stay in Paris for two days. 

If she had enough time, —-probably all right. (about money, probably all right. She has credit cards.)

If she had been with someone —- probably  all right.

If she had enough experiences about such travels —- probably all right. 

We are worried as her parents. 

But  Paris is a big city, so she will manage to do this happening.

On the other hand, what she worries is to lessen the days for her to make her works. In three weeks a group exhibition is going to be hold, she has to exhibit her works which are made at Bangkok. 


While I was writing it, another message came from her. 

She could contact with a staff of the gallery which sponsors her “journeys”. When she arrives at Paris, they talk about the better plan for going to Bangkok.


It was a busy morning.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

lunch diary 1026 again

Lunch diary 1026

I didn’t know that, my YouTube’s aren’t watcher easily when I put them directly using this blog editor .
So I linked my lunch diary of last week.
 If you are interested in it, please drop by.

Yuki has already gone to play golf. Before 2hours ago, it was raining. Now it stopped. The weather forecast was “correct”. 
Yesterday, I did “walking exercise” a little while Yuki was at clinic. 

A report says, on the premise that we are healthy (and peace) what we want to do (kind of dream), time and money are keys to live positively. The most important  key is probably having what we want to do. 

When we get older to keep the premise is very difficult, isn’t it?
Yuki has cancer but he looks healthy and acts healthy. He has enough muscle mass.
I don’t have severe illness, but I am not confident of my health. I need not to lose my mussel more and physical power. 
I should go to the gym this morning.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Good morning 1029

I learned this phrase “ the ruling coalition fell short of the majority.

Anyway we went to vote last Sunday. Then we got a voter discount ticket.  Unfortunately there are a few stores where we can use the tickets. However fortunately at a cake shop nearby we could  use it. 

Yesterday my younger daughter and granddaughter came here. It was a substitute holiday because last Saturday it was her school sports day. But main thing was for my younger daughter to do paperwork at bank. 

So for two of us since today usual weekday have started.