Monday, February 19, 2018

Though we decided to go out to a little bit far place ---

Yesterday, I took an examination in the morning, and went out to a little bit far place with Yuki by car. It took 50 km from here, we went there using a kind of expressway which cost 210yen.

There a small Hina doll exhibition was hold there, it was free.
Our main aim was to see a indoor exhibition of potted flowers of peonies.
I found an article on the newspaper, and was interested in it. The place organized it to attract people even in cold winter. The fee was 200 yen.
However the exhibition was hold in a "not big" hall, and --- if we enter in it, we have to pay 400 yen.
(You can guess, how small the hall is)
We were wondering whether to enter there or not. And we noticed that many people stood in front of the gate and they peeked inside over  the gate, and they left there.
So we did the same thing. We could see the inside over the gate and it was enough.
I thought it must have been expensive to pay 400 yen for 5 minute look.
Anyway we decided  to come here, so we drooped by at the "big" souvenir shop. The shop was larger than the hall.
We bought fresh salmon which cost 400 yen. You might ask how long we stayed there. Anyway we stayed there for longer than five minutes.
I cooked salmon and beans marinated salad.  And grilled sparerib

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