Thursday, August 25, 2016


Yesterday I had lunch with a friend.  A half of year has passed, since we last talked together. 
She became my first friend when I came to Utunimiya about 30 years ago, it means we've known each other for about 30 years. What is interesting is we don't have in common expect being the same age and female. I think so our relationship has been kept . every time we see, we appreciate our life style each other.

However both of us are getting old, so this time while we talked about our current situation, and thought about our pension life. Actually her husband has already retired so their pension life has started. She also retired earlier because she "had to" nurse her mother-in law. Last year she fit free from nursing her, and now she is pursuing a garden making world. This Sunday she will take an examination to get a licensees as a gardener.
So we eate stake to get stamina .

This restaurant was not too casual, not too formal, and not too noisy. We had a good time here.
Well well, what am I pursuing? 

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