Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Laughter yoga 1128

Today  it was the forth Tuesday, so I hold a laughter yoga club. Three women came. It was very fun.
Three of them, now they are friend, but when they came to my house at the first time, they didn't know each other. And even now they don't know each other well, because anyway we are laughing, laughing and laughing while we are doing laughter yoga.

There are three way to laugh.
One is letting out our voice "hahaha, hohoho, etc -- they are laughing voice" while doing some yoga poses instead of breathing silently.
Next one is reading finny (picture) books, poems, or jokes while adding laughing voice
And when we are getting used to letting out laughing voice, we try to do some funny actions.

Can you see toy stethoscopes?
I got them at a 100 shop. Toys sometimes easy us to laugh.
We made a pair, and one asked to the other "how's your stomach? , how's your back?", and a women asked "How's your brain?"
Everyone did this funny action while having a big laugh.

I know a woman is a very serious woman. However she laughed (not smile) while this laughter yoga.
Of course I laughed.

While laughing we can forget begin annoyed, being depressed, being worried.
Through laughing we can communicate without complaining.

At noon, they go back home without having lunch together, because their retirement husband are waiting? for them.
And they don't need more deeply communication. They are very good at measuring the distance between each of them. (Does it make sense?)

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