Friday, November 17, 2017

Season word 1116 dried mullet roe

It is said "dried millet roe", "salted sea urchin", and "salted sea cucumber" are three of the most delicious delicacies in Japan. However I don't understand these value, though I have had them.
Anyway my deceased father liked them. Among them, "salted sea cucumber" is very expensive and was not so easy to get when he was alive (about 40 years ago.)
My mother was born in Kyoto. But it is different from "the" Kyoto which is a very famous city. She was born in a village on the outskirts of Kyoto prefecture. The village ( now it is a town) is near the sea. So in winter my deceased grandmother would send "salted sea cucumber" to my father. He was always looking forward to coming it.

Salted sea cucumber, reminds me of, my father's grinning
Dried mullet roe,  without understanding the tasty, 60 years old is just around the corner.

Well I found this youtube.

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