Monday, September 16, 2024

lunch diary 0914

 This month Yuki could take his immunotherapy again. We were really happy.

Probably next month, it will be the last treatment. After that we will talk with the doctor about the nest steps.

What are the ways to prevent its recurrence? It might be difficult.

On the other hand for a while he has to face to his pneumonia,though luckily he has no sympoms. It is controlled by steroid. However it is a good thing to be controlled.

This week two visiters are going to come to my home library.  I try to forcous on happy things!

On the day we are at hospital. It was a really long day. I took onigiri (rice ball) for my snack.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Good morning 0913


Yesterday, we had a call from our lawyer. So we went to see him. The last document was sent from my brother. I think it is the last work about my mother’s inheritance.  In my case I was in deficit, because I asked  the lawyer the procedure. However thanks of the lawyer I could avoid to talk with my younger brother. It is a sad thing for me. I did’t want to break up our relationship, though it can’t be helped.

Before visiting the lawyer  Yuki and I had a coffee break at a cafe. Unusually Yuki  said “ this iced coffee is tasty.” It means he understood what a cheap bottled ice coffee  he drinks at home. (I seldom drink iced coffee)

Well, today it is the day we go to the hospital. Yuki’s condition is good, so probably he will be able to take immunotherapy today. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Good morning 0912


Yesterday, instead of the  visitors who were interested in my home library, Ms.M  who lives next door,  came. We made “shiso “ juice here. When I was cutting shiso leaves which grew too much, she talked to me. So we decided to make shiso juice  together.

In the afternoon I was almost taking a nap. I think now it is my charge time, so I accept myself who doesn’t do anything .

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Good morning 0911


I finished my performance with my friend. This time we had much audience. We were very happy.

Today a mother was going to come her kids to my home library. So I have no schedule. Do I go to the gym? I stay home quietly without exercise. I will do yoga.

Once I got ill, I started feeling depressed sassily.

Can!t something done about this depressed feeling, though I take medicine?

I will make youtube of yesterday’s performance. I have some things I do today. 

Yuki has already gone to play golf. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Good morning 0910


I suffer from summer fatigue. I had lightheadedness badly, so that I was taken to the clinic. I took the medicine, and was asleep yesterday. 

Today I am not so bad. Anyway in the afternoon I am going to karaku cafe to play the  piano. Yuki is going to take me there. Anyway  he is with me now. I depend on him simply. (I won’t think about our near future.)

Our elder daughter is busy in preparing for traveling to Senegal. She is going to make something there for one month. An art gallery supports her and Japanese Embassy in Senegal helps her. This is kind of  culture exchange project. 

Every member in my family do their best each day. I should do what I can do. 

Monday, September 09, 2024

lunch diary 0907



Recently I often make eggplant comport. Have you made it?

A new week has started. This week we should go to the hospital.

Friday, September 06, 2024

Good morning 0906


It is the last wee day of this week. This eeek seems to pass faster than usual. Probably the reason was that we were outside on a Wednesday all the day. 

Today I will go to the library in the morning. I was asked to tear apart a kimono from my friend.  So luckily I have a thing what I should do while watching TV. 

Though I have some things I will try every day, but it is not necessary things. So I tend to skip —- like going to the gym, practicing the piano, studying English, making haiku, and so on.

It seems to be hot. Anyway we do what we can do today. 

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Good morning 0905


It is sunny, and probably it will be hot. Yesterday, Yuki went to play tennis and came back earlier than usual. I went to the gym and one circuit exercise. Then we went to the concert at noon at the city hall. It was free, but it was wonderful. We listened to the music by Japanese instruments for the fast time in a long time. 

This concert was about 15 years old. This time we went to see their concert.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Good morning 0904


It seems that the scorching heat has gone, though it is still hot. We sleep without air conditioner  at night. I am thinking about going to the city hall to listen to a 40 minute free concert  at noon alone. It means I am thinking about skipping the gym. If it had been rainy we would go to the concert.

Anyway what I should do the first is going to the gym. After I come back to the gym I will think about to go to the concert. 

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Good morning 0903

The Disaster Prevention day is on September 1. Many people (probably) do something.  Actually at school, or at office disaster drill exercises are hold. 

We check our emergency kits. Some emergency foods are near the expiration days. So last night we had boil-in-the-bag curry. And I ordered new ones on net.

I also drew up voluntary picture cards of this moth. I take them to the community center today “before going to the gym.

Monday, September 02, 2024

Lunch diary 0831


This weekend "I" stayed home because of the typhoon. But fortunately we didn't have any big troubles. Yuki could join the live stage in KUROISO which is the next next city.

I decided to stay home during the typhoo. So I took the courage to open ZOOM meeting at my English Picture club HP in the afternoon.

I thought no one would come. Becayse I have a few customes of the HP. Than I expected everytime someone came. Two were my old friends, And the other two were new people who sometimes drop by the HP. 

They are intereseted in my home library, so probably they will come to my home library and  look at my collection directly.

Keeping my home library is not a business. It is one of my way to keep coneection with society. It was a really happy weekend.