Friday, September 13, 2024

Good morning 0913


Yesterday, we had a call from our lawyer. So we went to see him. The last document was sent from my brother. I think it is the last work about my mother’s inheritance.  In my case I was in deficit, because I asked  the lawyer the procedure. However thanks of the lawyer I could avoid to talk with my younger brother. It is a sad thing for me. I did’t want to break up our relationship, though it can’t be helped.

Before visiting the lawyer  Yuki and I had a coffee break at a cafe. Unusually Yuki  said “ this iced coffee is tasty.” It means he understood what a cheap bottled ice coffee  he drinks at home. (I seldom drink iced coffee)

Well, today it is the day we go to the hospital. Yuki’s condition is good, so probably he will be able to take immunotherapy today. 

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